Ethical challenges in prompt engineering: How does creating prompts bias AI models?

With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), the issue of ethics and fairness in AI models is becoming increasingly important. One of the key aspects that affects how AI models work is how they are trained and how users direct them through ready – input that defines the desired task for the AI ​​system. Prompt engineering, as a skill that deals with the creation and optimization of these inputs, has a direct impact on how AI models generate answers and how they can reflect (or avoid) biases and unethical results.

Bias in AI: The problem with data

Bias in AI models occurs when the system, due to the nature of the data it was trained on, produces unfair or unequal results for different groups of people. This is a big challenge, especially in systems that rely on large amounts of data, such as systems for automated recruitment, e-commerce recommendations or even health diagnostics. Biased data can be the result of historical inequities, imperfect data collection, or the unconscious biases of the people creating the data.

While data plays a key role in learning AI models, prompt engineers are tasked with ensuring that the prompts that define the tasks are fair and do not magnify existing biases in the data. A poorly worded prompt can lead to results that discriminate against certain groups or even elicit incorrect answers that appear to be science or fact when in fact they are not.

The effect of prompts on AI bias

Prompt engineers have direct control over how AI models interpret tasks and approach data analysis. In this sense, they can reduce or increase the risk of bias in the results of the system. For example, a neutral prompt that does not favor certain demographic groups may result in fairer and more accurate responses. On the other hand, a prompt that in any way suggests assumptions about the user or the task may lead to discriminatory results.

Consider the following example: in automated recruitment systems, prompt engineers must be very careful when defining the criteria based on which the AI ​​will analyze candidates. If the model is trained on data from previous hires that discriminated against certain minority groups, or if the prompt is unreasonably heavy on certain qualifications, the system will continue to repeat the same discrimination.

Ethical challenges in prompt engineeringEthical Responsibilities of Prompt Engineers

Prompt engineers have a significant responsibility in preventing the harmful consequences of unethical AI responses. This responsibility means that they must be constantly aware of potential pitfalls and biases in AI systems. Here are some ways prompt engineers can actively work towards fairer systems:

  1. Careful choice of language in prompts: The language used in prompts can be decisive in generating ethical results. Neutral and inclusive language is essential to avoid favoring or discriminating against certain groups. For example, instead of “Find the best candidates for technical jobs,” it would be better to use “Find qualified candidates for technical jobs,” which removes the possibility of the AI ​​assuming gender, age, or some other demographic.
  2. Testing for bias: Engineers must test the prompts in various ways to ensure that the AI ​​does not produce discriminatory or unfair responses. This includes analyzing the output data for demographic fairness and correcting any discrepancies.
  3. Ethical data creation: Although prompt engineers do not directly create the data, they must be aware that AI models learn from historical and current data that may be biased. Asking questions about the quality and ethics of data used by AI systems is an important step towards fairer models.
  4. Contextual understanding: Prompt engineers must understand the context in which AI responses can have an impact. For example, an AI model that provides legal advice or health recommendations requires far stricter ethical standards than an AI that suggests movies or music.

aiChallenges and the future

One of the biggest challenges for prompt engineers is maintaining a balance between creativity in creating prompts and responsibility for fair and neutral results. AI systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated, but they are still not immune to deficiencies in understanding context or cultural differences.

As AI technologies continue to evolve, prompt engineers will need to collaborate with experts from various fields—lawyers, ethicists, sociologists—to ensure that AI models not only work efficiently, but also operate according to the highest ethical standards.


Ethical challenges in prompt engineering are not just technical issues – they are deeply tied to the social, cultural and moral aspects that define the way we use AI technologies. Prompt engineers are on the front lines against bias and inequality in AI systems. Their ability to create prompts that will guide AI toward just and responsible solutions is critical to the future of AI technology and its impact on society.

Author: Milena Šović, M.Sc., CSM
Prompt Engineer & AI Educator

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