Europeans support the energy policy of the European Union and change their habits in order to reduce energy consumption, but they want more support to make energy prices more affordable for consumers, according to the results of the Eurobarometer survey.

More than three quarters of the respondents (77 percent) said that in the past five years they had changed their habits significantly in order to use less energy at home.

Four out of 10 respondents said they changed their energy consumption patterns at work, and 55 percent adapted their means of transportation to reduce energy consumption, the European Commission announced.

Of the 44 percent of surveyed citizens who said they took measures to reduce energy consumption at home, almost half insulated the roof, walls, windows, or floor, 27 percent replaced boilers, and 22 percent installed solar panels.

The survey showed that EU citizens support the energy policy that Brussels has been implementing for the last five years, but they want more support in order to lower their electricity bills.

According to 79 percent of respondents, the EU’s climate goals will encourage the creation of new jobs and attract investments in the clean energy sector.

Also, 76 percent believe that European policies will reduce dependence on energy imports, and 69 percent believe that they will ensure a reduction in bills for households and businesses.

In order to achieve these goals, 62 percent of respondents think that Europe should diversify its energy sources, including investments in renewable sources, and 54 percent think that energy should be saved wherever possible.

For 40 percent of respondents, the priority is more favorable energy prices for consumers, 33 percent said that the EU should invest in innovative energy technologies, and 30 percent said that it should focus on reducing energy consumption.

When asked what measures should be implemented in the future, 53 percent of those surveyed said that they should focus on measures to support households affected by energy poverty, half believe that these should be measures to reduce energy consumption, and half of measures that will help citizens to produce or consume energy from renewable sources.

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