European destabilization causes companies to increase physical security

Danish companies are increasingly upgrading their security measures to protect themselves against physical threats, says a security expert. At the same time, Dansk Industri calls for a position to be taken.

In recent years, Danish companies have intensified their efforts to protect themselves against cyber attacks.

But seen in the light of recent destabilization in Europe, especially as a result of the war between Russia and Ukraine, Denmark’s largest supplier of fences and gates has Heras Denmark, saw an increasing demand from Danish companies for physical security measures.

– There is no doubt that it is more important than ever before that companies prepare for an updated threat picture. Seen in that light, we are experiencing an enormous increase in security measures at Danish companies, which have begun to look much more closely at their physical framework and security, says Morten Erikstrup, Country Manager at Heras Denmark.

At Dansk Industri, we also continuously look into the threat picture, and the organization encourages its members to focus on physical security.

– It is clear that the situation in Europe in particular has changed significantly. And we see with the new Ministry of Emergency Preparedness that it has come even more on the government’s agenda, that we as a country and individual citizens are being asked to be prepared. We give the same advice to all our members. We don’t want to scare anyone, but we encourage you to prepare and take a stand and check your own level of security closely. Most companies will have a sore point in their business model, and therefore we advise that you have a contingency plan drawn up, says Marie Gad, deputy director of Danish Industry.

Increasing focus on physical security

The increasing demand for physical security measures experienced at Heras Denmark stands out in that it is no longer only at companies that have long had a high level of security, such as data centres. The

now also applies to companies in less risky industries.

– We are increasingly being contacted by companies in virtually all industries, from utility companies to production and logistics companies. They increasingly focus on security all around and will therefore have upgraded their physical security measures. In the past, companies have acted based on trust, but now they have become more aware of whether those who come in have real intentions, says Morten Erikstrup

Preparation is essential

In step with the changing threat landscape and the higher level of preparedness, preparation is becoming essential for companies. It is no longer a question of whether the threats are real, but of how companies can best be proactive and protect themselves against them.

– As the situation is today, security is not just about installing a fence or a gate. We advise on the right physical security solution by working closely with the customer and any other parties on the project, so that our solutions are best integrated with building systems and the customer’s other technical systems, says Morten Erikstrup and elaborates:

– The best solution is created when we become involved in the entire development of the company’s interior design. It is not just about securing the products, but also about thinking about whether there is room for the vehicles that need to pass through and how the gates are best positioned. By including us in the planning phase, we can ensure that safety is considered at all stages. This is where we can create the greatest value.

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