Amid the trade war between Europe and China, fears are now growing that Europe’s trade agreement with the US will also be called into question. The attack on Donald Trump promotes him as the main candidate for the presidential chair and this could result in protectionism, i.e. favoring American goods.
The US and Europe have a solid trade deal, but that could change if there is a change in the White House. Moreover, in order to curry favor with oil companies, Trump has promised to “kill” the electric car if he wins the election, according to HAK magazine.
One of the consequences of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is the fall in the shares of several European brands. As a result, a wave of stock selling has been underway since Monday as investors fear they will continue to lose value. Porsche, which is one of the most export-dependent brands, has seen its shares fall by 5.7 percent in recent days. The North American market is the most important for the company from Stuttgart: in 2023, Porsche sold 26.9% of cars there, ahead of China (24.8%). More than 86,000 models of the brand were sold in the US and Canada last year.
Photo: Archive / Porsche