European Mobility Week focused on “Shared Public Space”

European Mobility Week, which runs until the end of this week, aims to raise awareness of sustainable urban mobility. The campaign ends with the popular Car Free Day in the cities and municipalities that have signed up to participate.

All local communities can participate in various ways, and can use the week to test innovative planning measures, promote new infrastructure and technologies, measure air quality and collect feedback from the public.

Every year the campaign has a different theme, and this year the theme is “Common public space” and the benefits it brings to society.

“More than 70 percent of EU citizens live in urban areas, creating 23 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions from traffic. Through the campaign, the European Commission (EC) seeks to encourage changes in behavior in favor of active mobility, public transport and other clean, intelligent transport solutions”, the EC stated.

At the EU level, the Framework for Urban Mobility aims to improve the quality of life of the urban population by solving urban mobility challenges and increasing the participation of sustainable forms of transport.

Numerous events will be organized throughout the week in Serbia and BiH, which are part of this global campaign.

Photo-illustration: Unsplash (gemma-evans)

In Serbia, 32 municipalities participated in the European Mobility Week, and only some of the events are: Novi Sad – on September 20, SPENS includes the “Critical Mass” and “Tour de Fruška” bicycle rides; Belgrade – on September 21, the European House organizes a simulation of cycling through European landscapes; cycling tour “Riding through Nis” and numerous other activities.

As for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Giro di Sarajevo race has already been held to promote cycling as a sport and a form of sustainable transport. open and other. Activities will also be held in Mostar, Gradiška, Ugljevik, Zavidovići.

European Mobility Week was launched in 2022 and has helped thousands of cities across Europe to raise awareness of sustainable mobility and encourage behavioral changes in favor of walking, cycling and using public transport. The global significance of this campaign is shown by the fact that last year 3,351 cities and municipalities from 45 countries participated, while Car Free Day was limited to 1,182.

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