evacuation order for those at risk

The city of Bologna she was hit by a severe one weather alert. Heavy rain caused theflooding of the Ravone rivercausing extensive flooding and damage in various areas of the city. The mayor Matteo Lepore he did appeal to citizens to stay at home and follow the directives of the authorities to guarantee their safety.

Bad weather in Bologna

The rain incessantly led to a record accumulation of 80 millimeters of precipitation in just four hours, significantly exceeding the levels recorded on similar occasions in the previous year.

“This is an unprecedented situation that requires the utmost caution,” said Mayor Lepore.

The entire metropolitan city is facing serious difficulties, with hilly areas and those near streams particularly affected.

The Ravone overflows

The torrent Ravenin the southern area of ​​Bologna, has exceeded safety levels and began to overflow in the late afternoon, flooding streets and homes, in particular via Saffi and the surrounding areas.

According to data provided by Arpae, the Ravone level rose by two meters in an hour, reaching the threshold of red criticality.

“The torrent began to overflow in several places, making many roads impassable,” the mayor announced through his social media channels.

Evacuation order

In immediate response to the growing emergency (also in other parts of Italy, such as Palermo), a evacuation order for residents of via Saffi and surrounding areas. Residents were urgently asked to go to the upper floors of their homes and remain safe.

It was also recommended to keep telephone lines open for emergency communications and updates. The authorities have closed numerous roads and advise against the use of vehicles to prevent further risks.

City parks and sports centers will remain closed until further notice. Furthermore, they have been reported blackout in some areas, such as via Pasubio and via Tolmino, where there is no electricity. The Municipality, in collaboration with the Civil Protection, has activated a emergency number to assist those who are unable to evacuate independently or need a safe haven. People who are not self-sufficient or in difficulty can contact the Local Police, who coordinates rescue and evacuation interventions.

bad weather-bologna-flood

Photo source: Bruno Simili on X

Source: notizie.virgilio.it