Event on the accident of Tempe in Rethymnon

An event about the Tempi accident took place in Rethymnon, specifically in Mikrasiaton Square, with speakers Maria Karystianou and Pavlos Aslanidis, on behalf of the Tempi 2023 Relatives of Victims Association.

In Mikrasiaton Square, the crowd of people present sent a resounding message that “this crime will not be forgotten”.


“In reaction to the attempt to not hear our voice at all, we are here, accepting the proposal from various associations of Rethymno to talk about Tempi and above all to inform about the point of the interrogation we are at. The message is that the world will by all means be informed of all that is tragically happening and we learn about it and to say once again that we are not going to stop until we reach a happy ending. Tempi was not just that tragic route that killed and left 57 families in mourning. It is something much deeper. It is how the state treats the citizen”, said the president of the association of victims of the railway accident, Maria Karystianou.

Pavlos Aslanidis noted: “The message is not to forget the crime in Tempi because we know that it concerns all of Greece and especially the young people, for whom we must all fight. So that these crimes committed by their country do not continue. We want people’s support for what comes next. The European courts, all that will come later.”


Asked about the developments in the case of Tempi regarding the investigations, the technical advisor of the Association of Families – Relatives of Victims in Tempi Vassilis Kokotsakis said: “I think we are doing extremely well. Independent scientists also contribute to our effort, confirming what we had from the beginning. Whether the case is solved is not up to us. We do what we can. From then on, we will have to fight much harder to convince those we need to convince. I believe that with the participation of many more who have recently been drafted, both with Ms. Karystianou and the relatives but even more so with us in the research team we will also make the skeptics stop these conspiracy theories and deal with the reality, which I must say has recently proven that all 30 children were killed by the fire and not from the conflict’.

In the photo, the parents of Vangelis Giakoumakis together with Mrs. Karystianou and Mr. Aslanidis

“It’s very crowded and we’re very happy about it. Because we don’t want to forget and we won’t leave them alone if they don’t really do their job. Justice must finally be served”, said teacher Katerina Pandi.

As reported by creta24, the afternoon was preceded by the preparation of a dance event, with free participation. It is a dance event – traditional dance of Ierissos of Halkidiki, Kangeleutos – which was adapted to the tragedy of Tempe. The teacher Katerina Pandi was inspired by this dance and “tied” it with elements from the Tempe Crime. The melodic part that accompanied him is borrowed from the traditional song “Makrynitsa” or “The ruin of Naoussa” with the words adapted so as to refer to the tragic crime.

Immediately after Giorgis Xylouris (Psarogiorgis), S. Filippakis, A. Leontidis and M. Tripolitakis played live music, while messages of support were sent by Common Mortals, Yiannis Angelakas, Alcinoos Ioannidis, Dimitris Mitsotakis, Social Waste, Thrax Punks, Spyros Grammenos and Panos Vlachos.

The event was co-organized by the Rethymno Citizens Group, the Culture Symposium, the Rethymno Mountaineering Association and the Rethymno Labor Center.

It is recalled that earlier in the afternoon Mrs. Karystianou and Mr. Aslanidis were at the Galata junction, in BOAK and left a few flowers at the scene of the fatal traffic accident, where Alexandros, Nikos and Thodoris lost their lives.

The dance of Pavlos Aslanidis “broke” hearts

Hearts were “broken” by the dance of Pavlos Aslanidis, father of Dimitris Aslanidis, who was lost in the Tempe accident, during the event held in Rethymnon.

When Pavlos Aslanidis danced to the sounds of Nikos Xylouris, everyone was moved and applauded.

Watch the video:

With information from creta24, goodnet, neakriti

Source: www.zougla.gr