Every OMV coffee for children with cancer

On the first of October, we only drink coffee at OMV gas stations

Drink coffee from your heart and be part of the OMV humanitarian campaign

And this first October, on International Coffee Day, stop by one of the 64 OMV gas stations throughout Serbia and drink coffee in the VIVA cafe. Because it is a day when we help others and drink coffee from the heart!

OMV Serbia traditionally celebrates the International Coffee Day on October 1 this year, so that the entire income generated from the sale of VIVA coffee at OMV gas stations throughout Serbia during Coffee Day will be donated to NURDOR, the National Association of Parents of Children with Cancer and the NORBS Foundation plus, whose main goal is the procurement of necessary medical and technical aids and raising the quality of life for those suffering from rare diseases.

The company’s active involvement in initiating and supporting important social actions contributed to the celebration of International Coffee Day in this way becoming a tradition. Employees of the entire OMV Serbia network also participate in the campaign “Drink coffee from the heart”, with a lot of dedication and desire to achieve the best possible result, together with consumers, who often stop by our stations on October 1 just to support the campaign.

That’s why we invite you to look for the nearest OMV gas station and come to VIVA coffee on October 1 to donate together and contribute to the success of the campaign.
From the heart.

Source: vrelegume.rs