everything I love”

Anne Le Ny, actress and director, reveals her musical tastes to “”

We have just found this familiar face of French fiction in the series Ouija, a deadly summer on France 3 (in replay on the platform france.tv). As she finishes editing her new film as director, Story of a marriagewith Elodie Bouchez and Omar Sy, Anne Le Ny humorously answers our musical questionnaire.

What was the first record you bought as a teenager?

The BO of West Side Story after discovering the film in the theater with my father, during a rerun at the Kinopanorama. I listened to it on repeat, pressed for weeks against the cupboard in which the family turntable was located. The headphone cord was particularly short.

Your favorite way to listen to music?


Where do you prefer to listen to music?

Walking in Paris. Crossing the Passerelle des Arts in the right bank-left bank direction can enhance any piece (or almost).

The last record you bought?

I don’t buy records, just songs on my phone. The latest is Silvera by Gojira. I didn’t know them before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. I listened to them while crossing the Pont des Arts: it’s great.

Do you listen to music while working?

I did (when I wrote, never when I rehearsed a text), I don’t do it anymore : I am far too easily influenced.

The song you’re ashamed to listen to with pleasure?

The Hunter by Michel Delpech.

The record that everyone loves and you hate?

The Blue Words by Christopher.

The disc you’ll need to survive on a desert island?

I have zero chance of survival on a desert island, I don’t know how to fish, light a fire, or build a hut. So I’ll try to die with dignity to the sound of Fauré’s Requiem performed by The Sixteen under the direction of C. Elin Manahan Thomas at Saint Martin in the Fields.

Which record cover do you want to frame in your home as a work of art?

I would absolutely not think of framing a record sleeve in my home. And why not a can of Campbell’s soup while we’re at it?

A record you would like to hear at your funeral?

If I really have the ability to hear what will happen at my funeral, I would prefer that there be no music, so as not to miss all the good things that will finally be said about me that day.

Do you know what metal drone is?

A weapon of mass destruction?

Your best concert memory?

Patti Smith, with my big brother. My very first concert.

Do you go to clubs to dance, flirt, listen to music on a good sound system or do you never go to clubs?

Never in a club.

Your favorite musical movie or movie score?

All on stage by Vincent Minnelli !

What is the record that you share with the person who accompanies you in life?

The album 21 by Adele, which requires a lot of optimism because it’s still only about romantic failures…

The song that makes you mad with rage?

It’s a Man’s Man’s World by James Brown. A monument of bloated vanity and macho condescension.

The last record you listened to on repeat?

I don’t listen to anything on repeat anymore since my overexposure to West Side Story at 11 years old. I exhausted my “obsessive listening” capital on a single album.

The group you would have liked to be a part of?

The Ronettes. Rhythm and blues and impeccable blow-dry: everything I love.

The song or piece of music that always makes you cry?

My most beautiful love story. Barbara…

His favorite titles

Jeanne Moreau The Whirlwind (1962)

The Beatles Eleanor Rigby (1966)

Bruce Springsteen The River (1980)

Source: www.liberation.fr