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The Photos app has completely changed in iOS 18 and here are all the new features and ways to customize it

All the new features coming to the iPhone Photos app with iOS 18

The Photos app on the iPhone has been completely changed in iOS 18, a major change since it is one of the most used apps. Apple claims this is the biggest redesign in the app’s historyand these are big words. The new Photos app has changed the way it is organized, but offering the user greater customization. A customization that seems to be the hallmark of iOS 18.

First of all iOS 18’s new Photos app can be a bit overwhelmingThe design has changed a lot compared to the app we knew, which had hardly changed in recent years. But, as you get used to it, it is possible to get more out of it. Let’s analyze it in depth.

Top new features in the Photos app in iOS 18

The iOS 18 Photos app arrives with great new features with the aim of simplifying the experience and leaving it up to the user to decide what they want to see. Apple has introduced many improvements that, after a period of adaptation, end up convincing.

New design

This is the first thing that catches your attention in the new Photos app. Before, we had different “tabs” within the app between which we moved “horizontally.” Of the four “tabs” that the Photos app previously had, we are left with a single window through which we move verticallyplacing our photos in the upper area.

This change of concept is important, and our photos no longer seem “duplicated” as in the old sections. Although it is true that This design can be overwhelming at first By displaying a lot of information, customization will allow us to leave it to our liking, even leaving only the photos.

iOS 18 Photos App

The Photos app has been completely redesigned in iOS 18

The app leaves us another series of smaller but important tweaksWhen we open a photo, the buttons have changed position and design. The Edit a photo icon is now at the bottom and consists of three parallel lines. The video player has also been modified, as well as different views and sections.


While we’ll go into more detail about customization options later, this is one of the biggest changes in the new Photos app. iOS 18 lets you create the Photos app you really wantshowing only what you’re interested in seeing. You can remove or move sections like Memories, People, Trips, or Featured Photos and have the app organize itself just the way you want.

There are even options for Filter content and remove, for example, screenshots or shared content from view of all your photosThis content is still on the iPhone, although it is not displayed.

Search improvements

At the top of the iOS 18 Photos app we have a magnifying glass in a blue circle that will help us find content. Apple has improved considerably the search function of the Photos app, allowing you to use more natural language and be much more specific than before.

You can search for things like “Me eating pizza” or “A cat in the window”Basically, you can describe any photo you remember and the Photos app will likely be able to find it. It can even find specific parts of a video and direct you to them directly.

More items

This is a new one Interesting section of the Photos app where photos are organized by different types of content. We have access to the folder of hidden or deleted photos, but also to new sections that categorize our photos so we can find them easily. It is one of the best new features of the Photos app in my opinion. These are the sections:

  • Hidden
  • Eliminated
  • Duplicates
  • Receipts
  • Handwriting
  • Illustrations
  • QR Codes
  • Recently saved
  • Recently viewed
  • Recently edited
  • Recently shared
  • Documents
  • Imports

Apple Intelligence

The iOS 18 Photos app also includes many Apple Intelligence featuresnew features that will be arriving in more countries over the next few months:

  • Memory MakerThis feature allows you to create a personalized memory movie from your photos and videos after describing what you want to appear. For example, “a video showing photos of different foods from around the world.” The video will feature photos and videos and use different songs to match what’s shown on the screen.
  • Clean UpThis feature is designed to remove certain details from photos that we don’t like, such as a person in the background or an object on a table.
  • Image Playground. An app that lets you generate images based on text prompts. It’s also part of the Photos app for creating images that feature your friends and family.

How to Organize Content in the iPhone Photos App in iOS 18

He iOS 18 Photos app design has been unified into one placebut it’s a place we can customize to show what we want, where we want it. If we don’t like something, we can remove it, and if we like it only halfway, we can move it to the bottom of the app. Here’s how you can organize content in the Photos app:

Photos app in iOS 18

The Photos app arrives with many new features

Customize and reorder the Photos app

If you swipe to the bottom of the Photos app, you’ll see a button to customize and reorder content that appears in the app. It’s pretty intuitive. When you tap on it, you can choose which categories you want to see by tapping on the blue icon, and reorder them by sliding the three lines on the left. These are all the categories available in the Photos app:

  • Featured Photos. A rotating collection of your best photos.
  • Recent days. Display your recent images by date. You can scroll or tap the collection name to see your entire photo library organized by day.
  • Personas. Albums organized by person or pet. Apple uses machine learning to detect people in photos and videos.
  • Pinned Collections. A section with collections and albums that we can customize.
  • Memories. A presentation with music with memories of a specific day.
  • Trips. Displays photos grouped in different locations.
  • Types of content. An easy way to find a specific type of content: Videos, Selfies, Live Photos, Portraits, Long Exposure, Panoramas, Time-lapse, Slow Motion, Cinema, Burst, Captures, Screen Recordings, Spatial, Animated, RAW.
  • More items. Another type of content is grouped here as we have seen previously.
  • Albums. The albums we have previously created are displayed.
  • Shared Albums. All albums shared with other people through iCloud.
  • Wallpaper Suggestions. A section where certain photos are suggested as wallpapers. By tapping on them, we can use them directly.

Filters and display options

This option allows us Customize the content we see in the grid with our photos. Sliding towards it, we will see an icon with arrows in the lower left area from which we can sort the content, filter it and hide it. These are the options:

  • Sort by date added or sort by date captured.
  • Filter:
    • Favorites
    • Edited
    • Photos
    • Videos
    • Captures
  • Display options:
    • Enlarge
    • Reduce
    • Proportion grid
    • Show: Screenshots and shared content

Pinned Collections

One of the new sections of the Photos app in iOS 18 is called Fixed collectionsand it can display different types of content that we can edit by tapping on Edit in this section. It’s a good section to add content that you like to access often, but don’t want to appear in a larger section. We have many options to display in these small boxes:

  • Favorites
  • Recently saved
  • Map
  • Videos
  • Captures
  • People and pets
  • Albums
  • Trips
  • Memories
  • Featured Photos
  • Types of content
  • More items
  • Selfies
  • Eliminated
  • Hidden
  • Imports

Where everything is in the Photos app

Since the Photos app has changed so much, You probably don’t know where something is right now. We will try to answer the most common questions that users may ask:

Where is the map with the photos on the iPhone

If you like locate your photos on a large map To see where you took them, you can do so from the Photos app on your iPhone. The map is located in two main places in the Photos app:

  • Under Pinned Collections > Map.
  • Under More items > Map.

Where are deleted photos on iPhone?

The deleted photos folder stores photos during

30 days so you can recover them. This is protected by Face ID and It is located in the Photos app under the More Items > Deleted section.From there you can recover them or delete them permanently.

Where are the hidden photos on the iPhone?

The folder with the hidden photos on the iPhone is located in the Photos app under More Items > HiddenYou will need to identify yourself with Face ID to enter this section.

Where are the panoramic photos taken with the iPhone?

If you’re looking for panoramic photos you’ve taken on your iPhone, you have two main ways to find them. You can Tap on the magnifying glass to search for “panoramic photos” or go to Content Types > PanoramicsThe same thing happens with other types of content.

Where are the screenshots on the iPhone?

If you’ve filtered the Photos app to not display screenshots, but you want to have them located, simply go to the section Content Types > Screenshots from the Photos app. All screenshots will appear there. Video captures will appear in Screen Recordings.

In iOS 18 we have many interesting tricks for the iPhone and the Photos app saves some of them. It is one of the apps that has improved the most along with others such as Messages in iOS 18.

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Source: ipadizate.com