Examples of dissociated foods that help you lose weight

One thing is certain, namely that not everyone knows how to combine foods suitably. This is also the reason why so many people at some point face the extra pounds, which do not hesitate to accumulate over time and become much more difficult to “melt” if measures are not taken in time. The simplest is for someone to think about your daily menu, but that requires you to have a fairly high budget. It can be a good nutritionist or a catering company with slimming food, which are very fashionable nowadays. Those who can’t afford such services and don’t even have time to exercise, may feel unfair and get used to the idea that they will never get to have their original figure again. Well, let’s not get discouraged like that! There are solutions at hand without depending on a large budget, and the best solution is to have a daily diet based on the consumption of dissociated foods. Simply combine foods from the same food category and you can’t go wrong. You will no longer have problems with caloric intake or with digestive problems that slow down metabolism and the intestinal tract. Simple dishes are effective and require little preparation time. In this article you will discover the most popular and delicious dissociated foods!

The dissociated diet assumes consumption of a different food category every day of the week, and on the last day of the week you can combine foods from several food categories, but without exaggerating the amount consumed and you must choose only healthy foods. The diet is then resumed and there is no deadline to keep this diet and no side effects.

1. Rice, vegetables and greens salad

Do not combine rice with meat in any form. Instead, you can combine the rice with whatever raw or cooked vegetables you want, and there must be plenty of salad leaves. We offer the most colorful salads.

2. Broccoli Salad

You can choose to eat broccoli raw or cook it on the grill, oven or steam for 2-3 minutes. Combine with:

3-4 cloves of garlic



Pink radish


All kinds of combinations work when it comes to broccoli or other low-calorie vegetables. see here 7 delicious ways to cook broccoli for weight loss!

3. Vegetable protein salad

You can choose:

Canned red or black beans

High preserves

Canned corn






Ciuperci mushroom if pleurotus

Green peas

The secret is to add other vegetables and raw greens to the salad.

4. Porridge made from vegetable milk or kefir or low-fat Greek yogurt

You can choose almond, coconut, soy, seed milk and it must be combined with oat flakes, oat bran or corn or buckwheat. If you want fruit as an ornament, choose grapefruit, oranges or blueberries.

5. Smoothie from seeds and spinach


1 cup of almond milk and 2 cups of spinach

1 mango cane

Half a cup of Greek yogurt with a few mistakes

1 cup of cherries

Juice from half a lemon or lime

1 tablespoon of organic bee honey or stevia

6. Mushroom salad

It is a salad where you can play with the ingredients. You can choose either champignons or pleurotus to cook on the grill, in the oven or you can marinate them. Then add parsley, dill, red onion, 2-3 cloves of garlic, spices, red bell pepper, lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. You can also add salad leaves.

7. Brussels sprouts with baked carrots and spicy sauce

Cut the cabbage in half, round the carrots and place them in the pan on a bed of spicy sauce.

8. Vegetable meatballs

You can choose to make meatballs from:








Grate the vegetable, add wholemeal flour, spices and aromatic herbs and cook them in the oven or pan without oil.

9. Oriental grilled potato salad

You need:

White, sweet or new potatoes

2 tomatoes

1-2 cups of salad leaves

1 large red onion

1 green onion

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tablespoon of olive oil

2 tablespoons of vinegar



10. Bell pepper sandwich

You are on dietetik.ro, the place where you find out how to live healthy and which diets suit you!

You need:

2 halves of a large bell pepper

1 medium tomato cut into rounds

Cucumber rounds

Organic cheese or halloumi cheese

A few sprigs of parsley and dill

Salt and pepper to taste

Source: www.dietetik.ro