Exceptional conference with Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan and Neale Donald Walsch on the spirituality of modern man at Sala Palatului in January 2025

Professor neurologist and psychiatrist Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan, author of the book “The Intelligence of Matter”and Neale Donald Walsch, author of the famous international series “Conversations with God”will offer an unforgettable experience at the Palace Hall.

For the first time, these two spiritual messengers of our times will dialogue in the same event about a topic of topical interest: the spirituality of modern man. Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan will be present in person, and Neale Donald Walsch will interact with the audience through a live broadcast directly from Oregon, USA.

What will the participants of the event discover?
In this special dialogue, participants will explore scientific and spiritual perspectives on human evolution in the 21st century. Amazing results of recent research will be addressed, as well as methods of self-knowledge and healing through the power of thought and spirituality. In addition, the public will benefit, during this masterclass, from 10 practical tools to live in harmony and balance in the hectic pace of modern life.

Authors’ quotes about their work:
“I read this extraordinary book and I convey to Professor Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan my deep admiration and gratitude. His academic research helps us understand both life and ourselves in a remarkable way.” -Neale Donald Walsch on “The Intelligence of Matter”

“The story of Neale Donald Walsch is absolutely dramatic. He understood that hard times were not a punishment, but a purification to become a channel of the divine. That is the essence of his books.” – Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan about “Conversations with God

Location: Palace Hall, Bucharest
Date: January 25, 2025

About Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin – Dulcan and Neale Doanld Walsch

Prof. Dr. Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan is a well-known neurologist and psychiatrist, the author of the book Vision The intelligence of matter. His work has revolutionized the way we look at the relationship between science and consciousness, proposing innovative ideas about the influence of thought on reality and our health. With extensive research experience, he brings to the discussion fundamental connections between biology, physics and spirituality, being one of the most respected voices in his field.

Neale Donald Walsch is the author of the famous series Conversations with Godan international phenomenon translated into dozens of languages ​​and appreciated by millions of readers around the world. His writings address profound themes about man’s relationship with the divine, offering simple and inspiring answers to the essential questions of existence. With an accessible and transformative style, Neale is considered one of the most influential spiritual leaders of modern times.

Source: jurnalul.ro