Executive director of the SNS resigns – Health

António Gandra d’Almeida, the executive director of the SNS, resigned from his position. The decision comes after a report that revealed that it had accumulated incompatible functions. The resignation has already been accepted by the Minister of Health, Ana Paula Martins.

“A report was shown today in a media organization that focuses on my professional performance in the years that preceded my role as Executive Director of the National Health Service (SNS) – 2021, 2022 and 2023”, said the CEO of the SNS, in a statement.

“It contains inaccuracies and falsehoods that harm my good name and, therefore, the first condition for me to be able to freely serve the SNS, its professionals and its users, and honor the invitation made to me by the government “, he says.

“Although I understand that I did not commit any illegality or irregularity, for the defense of the SUS and, with no less importance, for the protection of my Family and the future that we want to be one of dignity, I asked, today, Her Excellency the Minister of Health, to immediately dismiss me from my current duties”, the statement concludes.

António Gandra D’Almeida, the CEO of the National Health Service (SNS) since May, served as director of INEM do Norte for more than two years and worked as a duty doctor in the emergency rooms of Faro and Portimão. The headquarters of INEM do Norte was in Porto.

According to SIC Notícias, INEM had given him authorization to do so as long as he did not receive a salary, which did not happen: the Army lieutenant colonel received more than 200 thousand euros.

Contracts as a contractor were signed with a company that Antonio Gandra d’Almeida created with his wife and of which he was manager.

The Minister of Health accepted the resignation request, stating in a statement sent by the Ministry of Health to newsrooms: “Given the circumstances and the importance of preserving the SUS, the Minister of Health accepted the resignation request. The new Executive Director of the SUS will be announced in the coming days. The Ministry of Health thanks the competent work carried out by the Executive Director, the effort that the entire team under his direction has made to serve the Portuguese in these difficult times and hopes that the situation will be clarified as soon as possible. .”

Source: www.jornaldenegocios.pt