Exercises for a dream body in 3 weeks that are not tiring

You can really get visible results in just 3 weeks if you take care of your diet and allocate time every day to do exercises. You don’t even need to do exercises on the weekend to get results, but it depends on each person’s preferences. Taking care of your diet does not mean starvation, because otherwise you wouldn’t even have the energy for daily exercise. The secret is to clean your diet, eliminating all foods full of calories, fats and chemicals, ultra-processed foods and consuming natural, raw or very little cooked foods. We recommend food combinations as simple as possible and if possible not to combine more than 2 food categories at one meal. As far as exercise is concerned, there is no need to spend hours at the gym, and that’s because there is the easy version and free exercise at home. There are exercises that burn calories and which works every muscle group in the body without too much effort. Age it shouldn’t be an impediment, and that’s because we propose simple exercises that anyone can put into practice.

1. Exercise for arms, back, legs and oblique abdominal muscles

All you have to do is kneel on a bed with a hard mattress or on a special fitness mattress, which anyway costs a little, and keep your right arm in front and the opposite leg behind you. The elbow must meet the opposite knee. Necessary 4 sets of 20 repetitions each. Repeat on each side.

2. Exercise for the entire abdomen

Many people face abdominal fat at some point, but we must admit that the lower part of the abdomen, which is also the hardest to work on, bothers us the most. Do this exercise from the picture in 3 sets of 20 repetitions each and you will convince yourself that it is much easier than with classic abs. You simply keep your back semi-raised and make up-and-down scissor movements with your legs. You can keep your palms under your butt to better coordinate your movements.

3. Leg exercise for oblique abdominal muscles

You simply raise one knee in front and slightly laterally, which must meet the opposite elbow. Both parts are worked one after the other and are necessary 3 sets of 20 repetitions each. You will work very well both the legs and the abdominal oblique muscles, but also the lower part of the abdomen. It is an exercise that especially flatters the abdominal muscles of women.

4. Exercise for hips

An ideal exercise for the moments when you watch TV. Stand on your side with one leg under you and the leg on top moves up and down. 1 are required5 repetitions on each leg in 3 series. You will relax and reduce your balance at the same time.

5. Sumo squat with leg lifts

All you have to do is to perform the classic floating position, the bottom should be as low as possible and towards the back, and all the weight of the body should be left on the heels and not the tips. The difference with this genuflexion is that the legs will be very far apart, the position is maintained for 5 seconds and are necessary 25 repetitions. There is one more aspect, namely that when you return to the initial position, you must raise one leg at a time to the side. You can take a break 10 seconds between exercises. see here more types of squats!

6. Exercise for the bottom and inner thighs

Although the exercise can be performed without that band, you must know that the results are good anyway, the only difference being that you slightly increase the difficulty with that accessory. The leg rises in turn 12 ori a cate 2 sets. The secret is to lift the leg to the side and not to the back.

7. Lifts on the tops

It may seem like a trivial and childish exercise, but it is very effective because it best stretches the muscles of the calves and ankles. All you have to do is stand up and get up on your toes as fast as you can and come back down with your heels on the ground. Repeat time 30 seconds in the first week, then maintain daily at 50 seconds for permanent results.

You are on dietetik.ro, the place where you find out how to live healthy and which diets suit you!

Source: www.dietetik.ro