extraordinary supplement is paid on the 8th. Know the values

It is on October 8th that the State will pay pensioners the extraordinary supplement decided by the Government. Find out who is entitled and the amounts that each retiree (if eligible) will receive.

On October 8, 2024, the Government will proceed with payment of the extraordinary pension supplement, a measure that aims to support pensioners in the face of the increase in the cost of living.

It is supplement emerged in a context of combating inflationaiming to mitigate the economic impact that the most vulnerable, namely retirees and pensioners, have been facing.

The extraordinary supplement will be paid to all pensioners who are receiving a pension through Social Security or Caixa Geral de Aposentações (CGA).

The measure therefore covers retirees and pensioners under the general regime, but also those who receive minimum, social and rural pensions.

Among the beneficiaries are:

  • Retired due to old age: those who receive the old-age pension after reaching legal retirement age.
  • Retired due to disability: pensioners who receive a monthly amount due to permanent incapacity for work.
  • Survival pensioners: beneficiaries of pensions granted to the spouses or dependents of deceased people.

Pensioners are automatically eligible for the extraordinary supplement, without the need to formalize any additional request or requirement.

Supplement values

Payment of the extraordinary supplement will be made in a single installment and is exempt from any taxes or discounts, that is, it will be received in full. These are the values ​​in question:

  • A pensioner who receives a monthly pension equal to or less than 509,26 euros will be entitled to an extraordinary supplement of 200 euros.
  • If the pension is greater than 509.26 and equal to or less than 1018.52 eurosthe additional value will be 150 euros.
  • Pensioners with a pension greater than 1018.52 euros and equal to or less than 1527.78 eurosreceive a supplement of 100 euros.

This additional payment will be made automatically, and the amounts will be credited to pensioners' bank accounts or sent by postal order, depending on the usual way in which each person receives their pension.

Impact of the measure

The extraordinary supplement was designed as a way of compensate pensioners for the impact of inflationwhich, in 2023 and much of 2024, remained high, putting pressure on purchasing power, especially among the most vulnerable, such as pensioners. The Government recognized the need for extra support due to rising prices for essential goods, such as food and energy.

This type of measure has been the subject of public discussion, and is generally welcomed by pensioners' associations and unions, who consider the supplement a fair way of compensating for the loss of purchasing power.

However, there is criticism from some sectors that argue that the supplement, being a temporary measure, does not resolve the need for structural and lasting increases in pensions. But the truth is that this support, although temporary, offers some relief to the country's elderly population.

Source: pplware.sapo.pt