Fake applause for Sangiuliano and Gasparri’s outbursts: the worst of the week

And then the airport for Berlusconi, the famous last words of the Right on the French successes, the anti-vax and the lucidity of Joe Biden. Even in the last few days our politics has said all sorts of things. Read them all, if you dare

The new, unmissable chapter of the social feud between Vittorio Feltri and Maurizio Gasparri; that time when Boccaccio and Petrarca founded Fratelli d’Italia; the Democratic Party and Silvio Berlusconi’s airport “orgies”; the euphoric tweets of the Italian right before the second round in France (spoiler: they sang victory slightly early, a disaster); all this between no vax winks, audio censorship, various and sundry sfascisms. This is the new Stupidario, let’s go.

Feltri vs. Gasparri (and Tajani) – Chapter II
Vittorio FeltsFdi exponent: “Tajani and Gasparri are two incapable and arrogant people who lick the political plate because they don’t know how to do anything else”
Gaspari: “I am not used to licking anything. At most, ice creams on the go. Certainly not the soles of generous publishers. Courage, once you were admired, today you are pitied. By the way, every now and then he stops by the Region”
Felts: “Poor Gasparri, retire, you’re disgusting”
Gaspari: “@vfeltri had her phone stolen and a joker wrote crazy things in her name. Carer already notified”
(X – 6 and 7 July)

The embarrassment
“On February 24, 2022, I said: ‘Russia will disembowel Ukraine.’ I was told: ‘Damn Orsini, it’s not true!’. It was true”
(Alessandro Orsini on X – July 8)

Salvini’s telesales (without mentioning Putin)
Salvini: the more weapons are sent, the more the war goes on. The secretary of the League reiterates this live on social media
(Ansa – July 9)

Whistles and applause
Rai, applause instead of boos for the minister Sangiulianohere’s who manipulated the Taobuk video. The protest against Schifani was also cut. Viale Mazzini: the fault of the director of the Taormina festival. Self-censorship for the funding of the Region and public television. The minister defends himself with La Stampa but one of his consultants had asked TgR Sicilia to avoid the report
(La Stampa – July 5)

“In the fantastic world of ‘Fantapetrecca’ nothing happened” (Rep)
Petreccathe director of RaiNews, guardian of TeleMeloni: “Sangiuliano called me, he complains that the reporters ask inappropriate questions”. Petrecca’s complaint against the union. And in the meeting he says: “Let’s treat the minister well”
(La Repubblica – July 9)

Federì, please remember, this year we’re sending you to Strega…
Geppi Cucciari, host of the live broadcast of the Strega Prize, strikes again, this time with Federico SoftUndersecretary of Culture. In introducing him he says: “Tell me a question of your choice, whatever you want… The borders of Umbria”. When Mollicone makes a small gaffe and says “Let’s applaud to the Witch” she is quick to take away his words, saying “Let’s leave it like this, everything went well and we didn’t beat her up…”
(CorriereTv – July 5)

Scaccabarozzi had judo
“It makes me smile the alleged intelligentsia that continues to attack Minister Sangiuliano, myself, the representatives of Fdi and the political right. It is an unbearable ideological racism, we can’t take it anymore, we will never be children of a lesser God! Our pantheon is not a segregated pantheon. We do not refer to esoteric circles or film clubs of an introverted intellectual circuit, as part of the left. You studied our identity in Italian anthologies at school. We are Petrarch, Boccaccio, Dante, Machiavelli. Let them face it! We represent the majority of intellectuals, writers, musicians, painters, sculptors, artists, dancers. We are Italian beauty, and we are proud of it. We are second to none!”
(The President of the Culture Commission of the Chamber, Federico Softduring a debate at a Fdi party in Rome – July 7)

They are Petrarch, Boccaccio…
The high school of Made in Italy wanted by Melons towards flop. With just 375 members in the whole country it does not have the minimum legal requirements
(Il Fatto Quotidiano – July 9)

In the meantime, something happened in France…
The Rai and the silence on the French elections, Usigrai: “Another black page. Nothing has been done to account for a key vote”. In the crosshairs is the director of Rai News 24 Paolo Petrecca. The Rai all-news channel “opened at 10:00 pm yesterday not with France but with the Città Identitarie festival conceived by Edoardo Sylos Labini”
(Corriere Roma – July 8)

But this is how our heroes tweeted before the second round, convinced that Le Pen’s far right would triumph…
“The French went to vote en masse to say: enough with Macron. The challenge was between the right of #LePen and the left of #Melanchon. And the right won. Will #Europe take note?”
(Hooray PursesIl Giornale, on X – 30 June)

Poor Daniela
“Poor Macron, he’s no longer a cockerel. But like any Schlein he’s clinging to the wide field”
(Daniela SantanchèMinister of Tourism, on X – 30 June)

Poor Daniela / 2
“Scholz collapses. Macron humiliated. Even in Europe the only leader who wins is Giorgia. Good governance cancels out the chatter of professional anti-fascists”
(Daniela Santanchè on X – June 10)

Salvini is inevitable
“Full speed ahead, Marine and Jordan! ”
(The Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini on X – July 7)

The Pillon ruling
“#Macron will be remembered as the French #Cameron, for having given the floor to the people convinced they would win, only to find themselves defeated. Let’s wait and see, because the system is hard to beat, but I believe that the wind of change is now unstoppable. #LePen #Bardella”
(Simone Pillonformer senator of the League, on X – 2 July)

The Second Charge of the State… think of the others
What do you think about Macron?
“Macron’s or Micron’s?”
(Ignatius The RussianPresident of the Senate, interviewed by Il Giornale – 6 July)

Silvio Berlusconi Airport
Matteo Salvinibombs and kisses with his girlfriend Francesca Verdini over the weekend in Puglia. The leader of the League was a guest of Bruno Vespa for the annual forum in his farmhouse; From there the announcement: Malpensa airport will be named after Silvio Berlusconi
(Il Gazzettino and Corriere Milano – 5 and 7 July)

Happy ending
“Should all of Milan be dedicated to Silvio? I can understand that. Why the airport? In my opinion, it doesn’t do him justice. Why not dedicate a massage center with a happy ending to him? Or why not dedicate a place set up for orgies to him? Or, who knows, a nightclub.” With a Facebook post Greta CogotDem and new vice president of the Biella city council has unleashed a storm on the figure of Silvio Berlusconi
(Corriere Torino – July 8)

Pope Silvio
The President of ENAC, From Palma: “It was my idea to name Milan Malpensa after Silvio Berlusconi. Doubts about Woytjla in Bari”. The manager: “The founder of Forza Italia guaranteed international relations to Italy like no one else, I think of Putin and Gaddafi”
(La Repubblica – July 9)

Stalingrad Street
Galeazzo Handbookdeputy minister from Fdi: “The PD deems it ‘inappropriate’ to name an airport after Berlusconi in Milan. However, it deems via Lenin, via Marx, via Togliatti, via Stalingrado as in Bologna to be very appropriate. Who has to deal with the past?”
Replica @maxcoccia: “Perhaps she who dresses up as a Nazi?”
E @AlekosPrete: “As inappropriate as naming a street after Father Marcello, sentenced to 2 years for reconstituting the fascist party, responsible for squad attacks together with his comrades from the FUAN. Neo-fascist who declared: ‘MSI and AN linked by a feeling that united MSI to RSI’. #matrix”
(X – 7 July)

“I’ll open my speech with a quote from Don Luigi Sturzo, an anti-fascist. I’m a fascist, but I love talking about him.” Storm over the mayor of Colosimi Giovanni Lucia: “I was ironic”
(Gazzetta del Sud – July 3)

The real work of art is Sgarbi’s outfit
The Milanesiana arrives in Montalto delle Marche with the lectio of Vittorio Sgarbi on “Art and Fascism”
(Il Resto del Carlino; photo: Elisabetta Sgarbi, Facebook – July 3)

Roma, Elly Sneeze plays Mario Kart on the big screen but has controller issues
(Affaritaliani.it – July 5)

Luca Bottura: and I opened up to Scarlett Johansson
Renzi opens to the Democratic Party: “Schlein follows an intelligent path. The future of Italia Viva? Either allied with the center-left or a new Third Pole”
The two-speed united front: Conte slows down, Calendar opens to the Democratic Party
(The Reformist and La Stampa – July 3)

Which is your favorite Borghi? The climatologist, the immunologist, the economist, the enemy of passwords or caps…
No vax blitz in the Senate. New rush forward of the Lega. Frost of the allies. The senator Claudio Villages is a signatory of an amendment to make the 12 vaccines for children against, for example, measles, rubella, mumps and chickenpox “recommended” and no longer mandatory, without which today one cannot be enrolled in nursery schools

Vaccines, Villages: “My proposal is not anti-vax, it is not an ‘anti-scientific madness’ or a ‘return to the Middle Ages’”
(Ansa and Adnkronos – July 3)

10 to 16
“Biden? Lucid until mid-afternoon.” This is how the President’s staff tries to preserve him. The best version of Biden would be – reports Corriere della Sera – the one that is seen every day between 10 am and 4 pm, the hours of the day in which he is most active, least tired and in which his entire staff tends to concentrate events
(The Reformist – July 1)

Nightmare Wedding
Spezia, nightmare wedding: newlyweds and guests find the booked restaurant closed. The owner forgot the date, leaving the group in the parking lot. Then everything ended well. But for the couple, Sara and Leopoldo, and the fourteen guests at the banquet there were very difficult moments
(The Nation – July 2)

The big questions of this historical phase
Morgan and a passion for fruit juices: “Why do I always find the same four flavors in Italy?”
(Corriere.it / Cook – July 5)

Here, maybe this is it
Airplane passenger looks for bathroom, but makes mistake and opens the emergency hatchThe lady was on her first flight
(Adnkronos; via @robomala – July 9)

Source: lespresso.it