Fall hair loss: nutrient deficiency, stress, sun damage

Fall hair loss can be related to the natural life cycle of the hair, but when other factors are added to this natural phenomenon, such as the after-effects of excessive summer sun exposure; a decrease in daily liquid and nutrient intake or stress, the weakening of the hairs may become more pronounced. Katalin Óri naturopathtrichologists prepare for this period every year, especially this year, also because of the extremely hot summer. With the help of the hair specialist, we collected what factors cause hair problems and how to remedy the weakening and thinning of hair at home.

Intermittent hair loss is a temporary phenomenon, during which a sudden change occurs in the growth phase of the hair and more hairs than usual are temporarily in the telogen, i.e. resting phase, when they separate from the nourishing hair follicle and gradually fall out over 2-3 months. There can be many reasons for this, let’s look at some of them, which are unfortunately very relevant these months.

  • The school year has started, the competitive situation at the workplace has started again, and with it the stressful period has also begun. This alone is enough to cause increased hair loss, but it is an equally common symptom that with the arrival of autumn, the intake of fruits and vegetables is reduced, and our water consumption is even reduced. The kidney is a very important organ for our hair. If you don’t get an adequate amount of liquid, your hair will show this after a few weeks: it will become drier, more brittle, and possibly lack luster.
  • The intense summer heat did not spare our hair and scalp either. If the lipid balance of the scalp is upset, the sebaceous gland can go into overproduction, which can also lead to hair problems.
  • Since Covid, our mental state has deteriorated significantly, scalp problems have intensified. The nervous system and the immune system are weakened, there is less time spent on ourselves. As mental stress intensifies, the hair stock can also weaken and lead to more severe hair loss. Let’s spend more time outdoors, spend more time for the body to properly rest and regenerate!

This is how we heal ourselves:

  • In order to build cellular function, eat dark fruits such as grapes, plums, and blueberries as much as possible. In the autumn-winter period, eat beetroot at least once a week, and in January-February the period of black radishes can follow. In addition, flavor our salads with grape seed oil and olive oil.
  • The range of hair care products is huge, it is difficult to choose which product containing active ingredients to buy for our hair problem. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it contains at least 3-4 types of plant extracts and herbal oils.
  • It is worth looking for products where, in addition to shampoo and conditioner, dietary supplements and hair activators are also available, because it is important to support the health of our hair from the outside as well as the inside. The latter contains a serum that, when massaged through the scalp, acts directly on the hair follicles, inhibiting hair loss. Seasonal hair loss can usually be significantly reduced in 6 weeks.
  • It is important to nourish the hair internally. When it comes to hair vitamins, we look for ingredients from plant sources with good bioavailability. In the case of food supplements available in pharmacies, it is worth checking what active ingredients they contain. For example, hemp, zinc, biotin.
  • It is worth visiting a hair doctor, who can provide satisfactory advice by examining the hair and scalp, and help in solving the problem. In some cases, other specialist examinations may also be necessary.
  • Hair loss can therefore also be understood as a warning in our own interest, as it foretells a disturbance of the energy balance in the body.

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Source: www.patikamagazin.hu