False advertising: signs, examples and responsibility

What is false advertising and what does it look like from the outside?

Imagine a golden brown pie that you want to eat even on a diet. You look at it for a long time, the golden crust beckons with its great taste. It’s decided: we’ll lose weight starting Monday. You bite into it and the pie is over-salted or even worse. Inside it is semolina porridge instead of the promised jam. This pie is false advertising, in which the owner of the product included deception and half-truths, simultaneously reporting that the product in the neighboring bakery is worse (and this is already false advertising).

Signs of false advertising

From the point of view of the Advertising Law (Article 5), unfair advertising:

  • compares your product or service with offers from other sellers;

  • discredits the honor, dignity and business reputation of competitors;

  • advertises something that cannot be advertised, or does it in a manner prohibited by law.

False advertising misleads consumers about a product or service:

  • qualities and properties, conditions for their provision;

  • the benefits that the consumer can receive from the purchase;

  • about approval, demand or regalia.

To simplify greatly, the rule is as follows when advertising: “show both the front and back of the product.”

The product, of course, is not a hut on chicken legs, and the consumer is not Ivanushka. But the consumer should be able to consciously make their choice, and not be fooled by trigger language.

The law also prohibits advertising that is discriminatory, incites violence, offensive or obscene. The latter often causes public interest and resonance.

On topic. 10 phrases that are better not to use in advertising to avoid serious fines

Types of inappropriate advertising: cases

Let’s look at the types of inappropriate advertising.

Incorrect comparisons

When talking about our product, we all want to say that our product is “the best.” But, unfortunately, the law prohibits this.

The Asian clothing brand’s competitors launched ads with the slogan “Like Nikifilini, only cheaper.”

FAS admitted This is inappropriate advertising. Reason: the company did not indicate comparison criteria and evidence to support the veracity of its position.

Consumer deception and half-truths

One of the responsibilities of a business is to provide in advertising all the essential information about the service offered. However, all the restrictions and unattractive clarifications cannot be hidden in a footnote written in small font at the end of the advertising offer.

The Pyaterochka chain of stores in 2023 was fined for 300,000 rubles for misleading pensioners that they were receiving a discount on all goods. In fact, the promotion only applied to certain categories. This information was indicated in small print in the disclaimer.

A fine can be received even if the consumer was deceived unintentionally, for example, by mistake.

FAS issued prescription “L’etoile” for advertising in an SMS message: “40% cashback when purchasing your favorite scents.” The reason is that the information about the cashback amount in the promotional SMS message and on the website in the rules of the promotion differed. On the website the company indicated a 30% cashback. L’etoile did not provide the FAS with an explanation of what exactly the conditions were in reality.

Foreign words in advertising and cigarette advertising

You can be misled not only by incorrect comparisons and small print, but also by foreign words that distort perception. In Yoshkar-Ola, a tobacco store was fined for advertising: “Vape Shop. Disposable devices, liquid, tobacco.”

Knowledge of a foreign language is not mandatory in Russia, and using the phrase “Vape Shop” without translation can mislead the consumer.

In addition, advertising of tobacco and related products is expressly prohibited by Part 8 of Art. 5 Federal Law on advertising. For advertising a tobacco heating system in the FAS sales area fined in 2023 Miratorg.

On topic. Every tenth entrepreneur does not know about fines for lack of labeling of online advertising

Indecent advertising

The Federal Antimonopoly Service defines obscene advertising as material that causes “a feeling of embarrassment and shame.” “Ebidoebi” becomes a regular participant in the news about fines for indecent advertising, against whose name the FAS regularly initiates cases. In July 2024, the government agency once again imposed fine in the amount of 100,000 rubles. for advertising rolls.

Source: Volgograd OFAS

However, this is not the only obscene sushi on the market.

In Perm, on September 12, a hearing was completed regarding the KuniOki cafe, which offers Kuni to everyone in its advertising. FAS declared the advertisement obscene.

Source: Perm OFAS

Moreover, to recognize an advertisement as obscene, it is enough that at least some (not the majority) perceive it as such.

Offensive advertising

Insult is always a purely individual story. The same words can make some people laugh and offend others.

FAS believes that offensive advertising:

  • humiliates human dignity;

  • downplays the importance of individuals or events.

From recent cases: FAS opened a case against a beauty salon for anti-cellulite advertising. The FAS considered that such advertising could infringe on the dignity of women.

Source: “Renaissance Cosmetology»

Discrimination and racism

Unlike other types of inappropriate advertising, fines for racism and discrimination are less common in the Russian market. The latest scandals are at least several years old.

What is the penalty for distributing inappropriate advertising?

Responsibility for improper advertising under Part 1 of Art. 14.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation – from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles. A fine can also be imposed on the general director – from 4,000 to 20,000 rubles.

A fine is not the only means of combating dishonesty on the part of the state. FAS can also force a company to refute its own advertising. For example, oblige a federal TV channel to show a video in prime time with the text that the advertisement was found unreliable by the court.

Why does this happen

The fines are quite large, and the FAS closely monitors compliance with the law, but companies still continue to violate them. In such conditions, the question arises: why does this happen?

There are several reasons. Advertising may become unreliable due to technical errors and human factors: they made a mistake in the number or forgot to indicate limiting conditions.

In some cases, companies do not have a process for approving advertising, and sometimes the amount of a potential fine is significantly lower than the expected profit and the risk is conscious. In the latter case, the issue of providing the consumer with reliable information remains on the conscience of the business.

Cover photo: Freepik

Source: rb.ru