Johan T Lindwall age – how old is he?
Johan T Lindwallwhose full name is Bengt Johan Tore Lindwall, was born on October 19, 1971, which means he will turn 54 in 2025.
When did Johan T Lindwall start writing for Expressen?
Johan T Lindwall is perhaps best known for his reports on and interviews with the royal family and other Swedish celebrities, but his journalistic career began long before that.
Already in his teens, he started writing for Expressen, as well as other local newspapers in Småland where he grew up.
– I was 13 years old and had just received a home computer as a Christmas present. There were few games and the ones that were there were very expensive. Then I thought that if I can write game reviews for the Express, it must mean that the manufacturers will give me games. Then I kill two birds with one stone – I get to play for free and get paid to write about it, he has told the magazine Chef previous.
Is Johan T Lindwall editor-in-chief at Svensk Damtidning?
In 2016, it was clear that Johan T Lindwall would take over as editor-in-chief at Svensk Damtidning after Karin Lennmor.
– It feels fantastically fun and exciting to accept this challenge. I am grateful for the great trust I have received and will manage it with my whole being. I’ve had fantastic years at Expressen, but when a chance like this comes, you can’t say no, Lindwall said a press release when.
Johan T Lindwall’s books – what has he written?
Over the years, Johan T Lindwall has written several books, including “Victoria – the princess in private”, “Victoria – princess and mother”, “Madeleine – the princess in private” and “Carl Philip – the prince who was not allowed to become king”.
In 2025, Lindwall’s book “Victoria and Daniel – I nöd och lust” came out, which depicts the crown princess couple’s love story and marriage.
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In connection with the book release, Lindwall was a guest on SVT’s “Go’ evening”, where he talked, among other things, about the resistance that the crown princess and the Ockelboson faced when they began their relationship.
– The king was completely against it. Daniel came from the wrong background, he would be noble in their world or best of all royal. This was an ordinary guy from Ockelbo, the court reporter told the program, according to Swedish Women’s Magazineand continued:
– Daniel was nicknamed at the castle.
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Johan T Lindwall’s family – what did his parents do?
In an interview with Journalists Johan T Lindwall has told that his father Bengt worked as a priest, but had previously been an active journalist. His mother Marita also worked as a journalist.
Lindwall has a brother by name Sven.
Johan T Lindwall’s partner – does he have a wife or girlfriend?
Yes, Johan T Lindwall is married to Elisabeth Lindwall.
Does Johan T Lindwall have children?
It is unclear whether Johan T Lindwall has children.
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