Father’s Day in 2024: when is it celebrated in Russia, the history of the holiday, what to give

On October 20, 2024, Russia will celebrate a completely new holiday – Father’s Day. We tell you how it appeared, how it is celebrated in other countries, and also what you can give your dad.

When are dads congratulated in Russia and the world?

Father’s Day has been celebrated around the world for a long time, but it is much less known than Mother’s Day. This is especially true for Russia. Our holiday was officially established only in 2021, so many people don’t even know what date it is.

But now there is a reason to congratulate on the holiday twice a year – both on our Russian day and on International Father’s Day. In St. Petersburg on International Father’s Day earlier with the support of the mayor’s office conducted fun competition among parents “Dad Starts”. There are now entertainment events on Father’s Day at museums, shopping centers and so on, in addition, provide social support measures for fathers with many children.

In Russia, as in most countries of the world, the date is “floating”. For us, this is the third Sunday in October, respectively, this time it is October 20, 2024. In other countries it is usually the third Sunday in June – in 2024 it was 16 June.

How did Father’s Day come about?

The history of the holiday goes back 114 years. Once upon a time an American Sonora Smart Dodd I visited church with other parishioners on Mother’s Day and wondered why moms have their own special day and dads don’t.

This idea did not arise by chance: the fact is that when Sonora was 16, her mother Ellen Smart died during her sixth childbirth, and the children were raised by a single father William Jackson Smart. The poor farmer took good care of them, raised Sonora and her five brothers well, and was always an example for them.

Sonora created a petition saying that fathers are also valuable and deserve a holiday to highlight their accomplishments. She managed to convince the mayor’s office of Spokane, where she lived, of this, and a holiday was planned for June 5, when Smart had a birthday. There was no time to organize the celebrations for the first Sunday of June, so they postponed it for two weeks and held it on June 19, 1910 – on this day the holiday appeared.

People in other cities liked the idea, and then it reached the state level. In 1924, 30th President of the United States Calvin Coolidge I decided that there was no harm from this, and also expressed my support for the initiative. In 1966, the 36th President of the United States Lyndon Johnson officially declared the third Sunday in June a national holiday.

This good American tradition gradually began to be adopted in other countries. Now there is a similar memorial date in dozens of countries around the world.

What about in Russia?

As for Russian Father’s Day, it began to be celebrated in some regions more than 20 years ago. As in its time in the USA, the idea gradually reached the national level. President Vladimir Putin in 2008, the Year of the Family, promised think about introducing such a holiday in Russia. Even then, even more regions joined the initiative.

10 years later, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Tamara Pletnevawho headed the Committee on Family, Women and Children, contributed federal bill for consideration. She proposed honoring fathers on the last Saturday of October, but parliament refused to pass the law.

Finally, in 2021, the Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova succeeded convince the president and the Ministry of Labor that such a holiday in order to preserve family values ​​will not be superfluous. After public discussions organized by the ministry, Putin supported the idea. In October, he signed a decree according to which Father’s Day in the Russian Federation was scheduled for the third Sunday in October.

Other days when Father’s Day is celebrated

Russia is far from the only country that has chosen its own date; there are many of them, which is why the holiday is called international, but not World Father’s Day. The most common alternative date is June 21. She was chosen:

  • Egypt;
  • Jordan;
  • Lebanon;
  • Syria;
  • Uganda.

Among the countries of the former USSR, Belarus (October 21), Estonia (second Sunday in November), Latvia (second Sunday in September), Lithuania (first Sunday in June) have their own dates. In Thailand, they preferred December 5, the birthday of King Rama IX. He was on the throne for 70 years until he died in 2016.

Sometimes Father’s Day is combined with religious holidays. For example, in the Iberian Peninsula and in Italy it is May 19, St. Joseph’s Day. In Bulgaria – December 26, Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Germany – Ascension of the Lord.

Traditions associated with Father’s Day

Celebrations can vary significantly from country to country.

  • In Russia, 10 years ago, some large cities began to hold “Papa Fest” – folk festivals. In some regions, fathers with many children are paid bonuses;
  • In the United States of America, in accordance with the history of the holiday, special attention is paid to low-income single fathers. Both the state and ordinary citizens help them;
  • In Finland it is more of a day of remembrance. During the day they go to the cemetery and remember the dead, and in the evening they have a feast with songs and dances;
  • In Australia, people go on a picnic with their family. This is generally a favorite activity of many Australians during the holidays; they often celebrate the New Year this way;
  • In the Baltics, kindergartens and schools make postcards, drawings and crafts;
  • In Italy, St. Giuseppe’s Day is universal for all men, even if they do not have children – much like in our country on February 23 it is customary to congratulate those who have never served in the army;
  • In Japan they chose the most exotic option. There, on the third Sunday in June, they celebrate Boys’ Day and give them edged weapons so that they grow up strong and courageous.

How to congratulate dad on Father’s Day?

Free options

There are a great many options for congratulations. The simplest thing you can do is simply remember the holiday and congratulate your parent verbally, for example, with beautiful poems.

If you are a housewife, convince your children to do something with their own hands, so that your husband will be happy when he returns from work. This is an interesting option, even if you are already an adult, but in this case you need to approach it with all diligence so that your efforts are appreciated. You can make it a surprise and cook dinner or bake something, especially if you don’t usually do this.

Paid options

Of course, you can give something material, even if your father, according to him, does not need anything. Sales consultant in a souvenir store Egor Petrov spoke about a reliable option for a budget gift:

«I would advise combining the pleasant and the functional. A win-win option – something with the inscription “Best in the World” dad“, for example, a mug or a robe“, says Petrov.

Let us add that many fathers are very fond of dressing gowns even without inscriptions. Other universal options are a wallet, a folding glass, slippers, in a pinch. Tools are a good gift if your dad doesn’t completely avoid housework, but isn’t a jack of all trades either. Why does a father need a set of screwdrivers if he won’t use it, or, conversely, there are already three of these sets, and all of them are better than yours?

If your father is a fisherman, hunter, tourist, or loves to spend time in the garage, then it is quite logical to present something related to his hobby. Or you can take part in this hobby: time spent together is a gift in itself.

A reason to spend time together could be, for example, a board game that you present. If your dad prefers classic games, then you can give high-quality chess, backgammon or checkers, depending on what kind of games your father knows how to play.

There is no particular point in giving something expensive, but if you can afford it, it’s good for your health. There is even more room for imagination here. You can take a closer look, for example, at watches, gadgets, briefcases made of genuine leather, and high-quality perfumes.

Father’s Day in the Russian Federation on October 20 will be officially celebrated only for the fourth time, but its history goes back more than a century in the world and more than two decades in our country. Be sure to pay attention to your dad, even if you just congratulate him with words.

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Source: www.rosbalt.ru