Feeling bad in the morning – what causes it?

Why do you feel bad as soon as you wake up in the morning? My heart rate is around one hundred, and I can only lie quietly in my place. Feeling bad lasts from a few minutes to fifteen minutes. However, it has all passed and I will feel quite normal soon.

The expert answers

THE DESCRIPTION rather unequivocally brings to mind an anxiety reaction. An arrhythmia that behaves in such a regular manner is very unlikely. A heart rate of 100 is still very suitable for accelerating the normal or sinus rhythm when activated by psychological factors. Starting a new day can repeatedly trigger physical symptoms if there are stressful situations or their experiences. In an anxiety reaction, the heart rate rises and you feel bad. You may feel short of breath or run out of air. You can also feel dizzy and weak.

In the case of the questioner, it is a good feature that the symptom ends shortly, i.e. in about fifteen minutes, and the ability to function returns. In severe anxiety and depression, the whole day can go by without being able to do anything.

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Relieving symptoms and anxiety is usually easier when it is still short-lived. Repetition, however, indicates a prolonged problem and I would recommend a discussion with, for example, a psychiatric nurse at a health center.

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SINIKKA POHJOLA-SINTONEN Cardiology specialist and docent of internal medicine from Helsinki.

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This article has appeared in Hyvä tervey magazine. As a subscriber, you can read all issues free of charge from the digilehdet.fi service.

Source: www.hyvaterveys.fi