Films awarded at festivals in Venice, Cannes, Berlin, Sarajevo and Pula are coming to the 20th Free Zone

On the program of the jubilee, the 20th Free Zone, among others, will be shown newly crowned works from prestigious film festivals: “I’m Still Here” by Valter Sales, awarded for the best screenplay in Venice, “The Man Who Couldn’t Be Silent” by Nebojsa Slijepčević, winner of the Golden Palms for the short film in Cannes, “My Favorite Cake” by Marjam Mogadam and Bentaša Sanaihe, winner of the Ecumenical Jury Award and the FIPRESCI Award in Berlin, as well as “Three Kilometers to the End of the World” by Emanuel Parvu, winner of the Sarajevo Film Festival and “Our Children” Silvestre Kolbas, the best director of the Pula Festival.

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The famous Brazilian director and screenwriter Walter Sales filmed the historical drama “I’m still here” (I’m Still Here / Ainda Estou Aqui) about the tragic consequences of the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964 – 1985). The main character is Eunise Paiva, a mother of five children who becomes an activist after the arrest of her husband and former congressman Marcelo.

Eunice’s story is the story of the history of Brazil during those terrible 21 years of dictatorship, the incredible story of a family that suffered terrible violence and an extraordinary, brave woman who found herself in the middle of it all – said Valter Sales, calling the film “an instrument against forgetting”.

This adaptation of the memoirs of Marcelo and Eunice’s son, Marcelo Rubens, was awarded last month in Venice for the best screenplay, and was recently selected as a Brazilian candidate for the Oscar.

Nebojša Slijepčević, after “The Serbian Woman”, brings his latest work to the Free Zone, “The Man Who Couldn’t Be Silent”awarded the Palme d’Or for short film at the 77th Cannes Film Festival. According to the director, the theme is not a historical lesson, but a timeless human dilemma: how to react when you witness injustice or violence (that is not directed at you). He found inspiration for the film in Boris Dežulović’s column about Tom Buzov, a retired JNA captain, who was the only one who rebelled against crimes against innocents, for which he himself was killed, and his grave is still unknown today. The main roles are played by Goran Bogdan, Dragan Mićanović, Alexis Manenti, Silvio Mumelaš and others.

One of the best-rated films in the official competition of the 74th Berlin Film Festival, “My favorite cake” (My Favorite Cake / Keyke mahboobe man), directed by Iranians Bentaş Sanaiha and Marjam Mogadam. It is a gentle drama about a lonely widow who invites a taxi driver to her apartment, with the intention of ending her lonely days. This is one of the first films to show a woman without a hijab since the hardline Islamic regime came to power in 1979, with rarely seen scenes in which women drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or kiss men… Because of all this, the directors were banned from coming to the world premiere in Berlin , where the film won the Ecumenical Jury Award and the recognition of the Film Critics Association FIPRESCI.

– This is a film that celebrates life and preserving the memory of those short and sweet moments. We wanted to present the real life of middle-aged Iranian women, an image that was banished from Iranian films after the Islamic revolution – the directors said in an open letter to the media.

Romanian director and actor Emanuel Parvu, in his third film, “Three kilometers to the end of the world” (Three Kilometers to the End of the World / Trei kilometers pâna la capatul lumii) follows 17-year-old Adi who spends the summer in his hometown, isolated in the Danube delta. When he experiences a brutal attack on the street, his life is turned upside down. Instead of supporting him, his parents and neighbors turn against him and he realizes that the seemingly peaceful facade of his village is full of cracks.

The love between a parent and a child is the strongest kind of love and it should be unconditional, and when it becomes conditional, due to various internal conditions, then it is something worth talking about. – said Parvu, whose film won the Heart of Sarajevo for the best feature film at the 30th SFF and the Queer Palm in Cannes, for the best film with an LGBT theme, and will also be the Romanian representative for the Oscar for a foreign film.

Parental love is also the topic of the documentary “Our Children” by Zagreb author Silvester Kolbas. This extremely personal story, which penetrates deep into family wounds, is the product of parental care and fear of making a mistake in upbringing. At the center is Silvestre’s relationship with his three children: Jakov, son from his first marriage, Eva, born through in vitro fertilization in his second marriage with Natasha, and Anto, who was adopted when he was eight years old.

– For a long time, I followed the events of the family with a camera, hoping that it would be a charming and entertaining film, but things got complicated – admitted Kolbus and expressed the hope that many parents will understand him when it comes to problems in giving and receiving love.

We are a culture of success and we like to present ourselves as better than we are, we hide our failures. I hope that people will recognize each other and see that they are not alone in their problems – said the director.

Silvestar Kolbus was awarded for directing at the 71st Pula Festival, and some Croatian media rated it as “the best documentary you will watch this year”.

The jubilee, 20th edition of the Free Zone will be held from November 6 to 11 in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš and Kragujevac. The audience will be able to watch more than 65 fiction and documentary engaging films in the Belgrade halls of Dom Omladine, the Cultural Center Hall, Art Cinema Kolarac, MTS Hall, UK Parobrod, Yugoslav Cinematheque, Cinegrand Rakovica and Cineplexx “Ušće”, in the halls of Cineplexx Kragujevac and Cineplexx Niš. , as well as in Novi Sad at the Cineplex Arena cinema and the Cultural Center.

The festival will be officially opened On November 6 at 7 p.m. in the Blue Hall of the Sava Center, the regional premiere of the film Anora Sean Baker, crowned with the Palme d’Or.

Tickets for opening at a price of 1200 dinars, they are on sale online through websites Tickets i eFinity​, as well as at the points of sale of these services.

Tickets for other projections they can also be purchased through the aforementioned services, as well as at the (online) box office of the cinema where they will be shown.

More information about the entire program and hourly rates can be found on the official website

And this year, part of the film program will be able to be viewed by the audience in all of Serbia, because the platform will KinoKauch to host an online Free Zone.

This year’s festival was supported by the MEDIA subprogram of the Creative Europe program, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, the Reconstruction Women’s Fund, the City Administration for Culture of the City of Novi Sad, the Film Center of Serbia and the French Institute.

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