Financing of the monastery through domestic products

The church communities of monasteries in Serbia are dedicated to collecting funds to finance church needs and maintain monasteries, through the production and sale of various domestic products. Thus, the community of the monastery of Saint Panteleimon in Mirijevo produces homemade jams, which is led by Milena Stjepanović. They offer apricot and plum jams, with a special emphasis on aromatic plum jam with special spices.

Photo by Lazar Krstić on Unsplash

This jam is very popular, and a jar costs RSD 1,000. All proceeds from the sale are intended as a contribution to the work on the church of Saint Panteleimon, especially for the renovation of the facade, which is currently underway. This homemade jam is made voluntarily by members of the community, and every customer becomes a supporter of the church community. They plan to expand production in the future, but for now they are focusing on quality instead of quantity. In addition to plum and apricot jams, they plan to produce rose hip jam when the time comes.

In addition to the community of Saint Panteleimon, the Draganac and Hopovo monasteries are also distinguished by their specific products. Draganac Monastery, located in Kosovo and Metohija, is one of the few that managed to survive despite the destruction of other monasteries in the region. The brotherhood of this men’s monastery is known for its unique goat cheese, which is kept in olive oil, and for which they became recognizable. In addition, they also produce teas from various medicinal plants such as St. John’s wort, St. John’s wort, wild mint, thyme and nettle. These products are also important for the local community, as they enable the Draganac monastery to contribute to the economic survival of Kosovo and Metohija.

Lazar Krstic Mp2bwwug24k Unsplash
Photo by Lazar Krstić on Unsplash

Jam from the monastery? Brandy? Wine? Wow…!

The Hopovo Monastery, located on Fruška Gora, is known for the wines and brandies they produce, but also for the quality meadow honey. This monastery uses the resources of Fruška Gora to provide high quality products, which are in demand among visitors and believers. The production of honey from the Hopovo monastery contributes to the preservation of the tradition of beekeeping and local flora, while the production of wine and brandy reflects the long history of viticulture in this region.

Through their various activities, all these church communities contribute to the preservation and restoration of monasteries, but also to the promotion of traditional and domestic production, which connects the faithful, the local population and the monastery communities. These products are not only a source of income, but also a way to preserve the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Orthodox Church in Serbia through the rich tradition of food and drink.

Source: Good morning
