Fire TV dongles facing sales ban in Germany

There is a threat of ban for Amazon Fire TV dongles in Germany now that Nokia has won a patent case in Munich court.

In late 2023, Finnish telecommunications company Nokia sued online retailer Amazon in several countries for patent infringement. The point of contention was multimedia patents such as the H.264 and H.265 compression methods, which are also used for video streaming.

Now the regional court in Munich has ruled in Nokia’s favor.

In the lawsuit, Nokia sought a halt to sales of devices from Amazon’s Fire TV series and unspecified damages.

The ruling does not immediately lead to a sales halt for Fire TV dongles in Germany. Also because not all dongles use the contested compression methods.

Amazon said it disagrees with the ruling, saying an offer to pay licensing fees was rejected.

If it comes to a ban, the impact will not be very big. The market share of dongles in Europe is very modest.
