“Fireplace” for the tenth day in the country – Where the temperature exceeded 42 degrees – different

The heatwave and high temperatures in our country continue for the tenth day, with the mercury exceeding 40 degrees in several cases.

The maximum temperature on Wednesday 17/07 was recorded at Oleni Ilias (42.2 °C) and followed by Skala Messinia (42.0 °C) and the Gavalou Etoloakarnanias (41.7 °C).

The map in the image below shows the distribution of the maximum temperature in the country, according to the network of automatic weather stations of the National Observatory of Athens / meteo.gr.

As can be seen from the related information, also presented in this figure, the temperature exceeded 37 °C at 232 of the 510 currently active stations (~45% rate).

It is noteworthy that the average maximum temperature was equal to 35.7 °C, a value that is the highest in ten days.

Source: www.diaforetiko.gr