Five French banks create b.connect to develop e-commerce in France

During Paris Retail Week, BNP Paribas, Groupe BPCE, Crédit Agricole, Crédit Mutuel (via Euro-Information) and Société Générale announced the creation of the company b.connect. This company will offer a new authentication solution allowing e-retailers to guarantee their customers in 80% of cases the creation or access to their account in a single click without a password.

Making it easier to create an account in complete security is the aim of 5 major banks (BNP Paribas, Groupe BPCE, Crédit Agricole, Crédit Mutuel (via Euro-Information) and Société Générale). Indeed, b.connect, based on an artificial intelligence engine, improves connection securitywhile optimizing the fluidity of navigation on merchant sites. Committed to protecting users’ privacy, b.connect guarantees the non-commercialization of connection data.

A fight against fraud

This authentication solution is part of the ongoing actions of French banks to combat various forms of fraud and identity theft. It complements the trust services already offered by French banks in terms of digital usage, such as their banking authentication application.Developed in collaboration with major industrial players, the b.connect authentication solution is based on proven, latest-generation technologies. It will significantly contribute to increasing the e-commerce conversion rate.

Jean-Luc Thérond, Chairman of the Board of Directors of b.connect and Deputy CEO of Crédit Agricole Payment Services, emphasizes, “ It is crucial to meet the expectations of security and fluidity of purchasing journeys expressed by both customers and e-retailers. With b.connect, e-retailers will be able to improve their customers’ experience, be actors in the fight against fraud and accelerate their growth. This initiative also responds to a sovereignty issue in a particularly sensitive context today. »

For his part, Pierre Chassigneux, CEO of b.connect, specifies, “ To authenticate on a site, the solutions offered to customers are imperfect and insufficient to accelerate the development of trusted e-commerce. They mainly rely on simple identifiers/passwords that are vulnerable to phishing attacks and particularly unergonomic. Our goal by the time the solution is put into service in spring 2025 is to integrate the b.connect button on the sites and mobile applications of major e-commerce players in France. They will thus be able to offer their customers a level of security and a fluidity of purchasing journey never before achieved. The b.connect connection button will improve the conversion rate of the platforms that have integrated it. The service will be free for all users. »
