Five Moderate Friday Links

Imagine the scene: children and young people running around the schoolyard. Over in one corner, the one yard guard walks around. Over in the other corner sits the other yard guard. Meanwhile, teachers’ rooms are full of teachers and pedagogues, who talk about everything from knitting patterns to team formations.

Suddenly something happens in one corner. The caretaker goes out among the children from 3rd grade and out of nowhere, the caretaker starts teasing the children from 3rd grade. The janitor is even so rough that he also starts sticking his tongue out at the girls while he pushes the boys.

At the same time as this session, something is happening in the other corner. The other farm guard moves in among the children from 6th grade. The caretaker – a middle-aged woman – sees her cut to say nasty and degrading words to both boys and girls. Despite a dull atmosphere and despite children’s cries, the female yard guard continues to bully the children.

One of the boys from 6.a does not like the teacher’s behavior and therefore goes into the teacher’s room, where he tells his version of the story. Although most teachers and pedagogues listen, no one reacts. There is no consolation. There is no understanding. There is absolutely no desire to do anything about the problem.

The boy from 6.a – let’s call him Jeppe – leaves the teacher’s room in a state of despair. What do you do, he thinks. Suddenly he gets a bright and very good idea. As he stands in the long, dark corridor, he spies up at the other end, where there is a door at the end. The brass sign on the door says “School inspector”.

With firm steps, Jeppe walks up to the door. He knocks on the door. No answer. Again the boy from 6.1 knocks on the door. Again no answer. Suddenly Jeppe hears footsteps behind him. It’s the school secretary. She looks at Jeppe with contempt, and in a cool tone of voice she says that the inspector is not at home. He has gone to a meeting out of town.

After recess, all the adults meet and tell each other how good they have been at bullying the students. No one has any intention of changing the bullying. And when the school inspector returned home, he made a stopr decision: some of the students had to be sent away immediately. Wouldn’t that create peace and order in the schoolyard?

It’s Friday and we have to go online and visit the website. The house’s link expert, Mr Martin Bo, has sent us links which are about ships, pdf, image processing, food recipes and cartoons. Do you have a handle on PDF? Here you get help with PDF files in a nice way. PhotoDemon is a small, excellent image processing program that you can also take with you on a USB. Search over two million food recipes. Do you have sea vision? Can you see a ship? Then you find out which ship it is. A comic and pop art gallery.
