Five Shiny Friday Links

The sun is shining above us. Every now and then. And that means that many of us are on summer vacation. We do it here, there and everywhere. Some stay in beautiful Denmark, while others make pilgrimages to Norway, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Spain, France and other lovely countries.

The thing about traveling out of the country can do something. It’s nice to be in your own house, because here you know habits and you usually know where the plates and coffee mugs are. When you move out of the home, you have to get used to other ways of living life.

We like to go to a holiday home, and when we lock ourselves in a holiday home that we haven’t been in before, the first day is spent figuring out where the bowls, dishes, potato peelers, corkscrews and spices are. We have to feel a little forward, and we are always happy when we find what we are looking for.

Number plates in Germany

This is also the case when we leave Denmark. When we suddenly find ourselves in another country, there are things that we must be aware of. The language for example. This means that we have to communicate in non-Danish, and it also means that signs and information boards are in another language.

I also like to look at the license plates of foreign cars. They are built differently, and I have especially taken to heart the number plates of the Germans. Why that, Allan? Yes, because you can see where the driver is coming from via the number plate. If the license plate starts with the letters KS, we know that the driver lives in Kassel. Kassel is a lovely place.

Well, no more holiday talk from here. We are about to start with our Friday links, which this week have been created by our faithful guest linker, Martin Bo. Thanks MB! Martin Bo puts us in the hands of webshops that sell books, reading material and cycling equipment. We must also have useful knowledge and help for Windows, free programs and then a knowledge bank of the very big ones. I’m completely out of breath. Here you get a knowledge bank of the very big ones. It’s about artificial intelligence, tests, projects, web development and much more. During this Tour period, it is quite natural to have a link to a webshop that sells bicycles and their accessories. Then it must be about Windows. Get useful info and tutorials/user guides. Another online webshop (webshops are usually online…), and this one sells books, reading material and much more. And finally a strong link for us who like to download free software.
