Flood wave is not the end of problems. Expert draws attention to landslides

Lower Silesia and part of the Opole province are currently struggling with a flood wave that is sweeping through more and more towns. Some of them were flooded and there was a huge amount of destruction, which can be seen, among other things, in satellite photos. But is this the end of the problems? The country’s chief geologist leaves no illusions. In some time, new threats will appear, which will be the result of the impact of water.

Krzysztof Galos, who is the country’s chief geologist, said that the services are constantly monitoring the current situation and do not have good news. The great flood will eventually recede, but then new threats will appear and these will be dangerous landslides.

Landslides are a dangerous consequence of water impact in non-flooded areas. Krzysztof Galos explains that the first such phenomena may occur after about three days after the climax wave. Sometimes they occur later, and here the country’s chief geologist mentions six days.

The situation is being monitored continuously and he added that the services are already receiving the first reports of these dangerous phenomena. The problem occurs as a result of heavy rainfall. Often when the total exceeds 150 liters per square meter. This causes a significant increase in soil moisture, which then ceases to maintain its previous cohesion.

Galos claims that landslides can be recognize, among other things, by cracks or crevices in the ground. Such places can be potentially dangerous and when in their vicinity you should exercise extreme caution, and ideally move away to a safe place. This also applies to roads, which, as a result of being washed out, also pose a risk of danger.

Therefore, remember to be especially careful. The subsidence of the flood wave does not mean the end of the threat. Any unusual “damage” in the ground can be reported to the services that will deal with the problem.

Source: geekweek.interia.pl