FNAM considers plan for obstetrics and pediatrics emergencies “pure propaganda”

The National Federation of Doctors (FNAM) classified the reorganization plan for obstetrics/gynecology and pediatrics emergencies announced today as “pure propaganda”, as it does not foresee how the reinforcement of resources will be carried out.

Speaking to Lusa, the president of Fnam, Joana Bordalo e Sá, considered that this is “an empty plan” that “will not solve the problems of the SNS (National Health Service). It is nothing more than pure propaganda”.

For the leader, the Ministry of Health wants to “have a National Health Service in the maternal, child and pediatric areas hostage to telephone lines replacing in-person care”, which degrades the quality of the service.

Previously, “there were 10 births a year in ambulances, but this year we have had more than 40”, he explained.

“In the case of children, they say that, if the situations are less serious, they will refer them to health centers, where we know that the schedules are full and there is a shortage of doctors,” he added. .

“They then do not explain how the teams have more doctors, whether at the health center level to receive users, nor how at the hospital level, at the emergency level, the teams are reinforced”, accused the director.

Joana Bordalo e Sá highlighted that in the plan “there is not a single line” on how human resources will be reinforced, particularly doctors and other health professionals.

Furthermore, according to FNAM, there is a strategy to empty public services, as is the case with the administration of vaccines.

“Vaccination, which has always been provided by health centers, for example, and which has always worked well, is suddenly transferred to pharmacies”, without “any justification for this”, a “measure with many additional costs for the public treasury”.

“In the last 50 years, we had some of the best maternal/child health results, the general population mortality itself was one of the lowest” in the world, but today “we see that, with these measures that are empty, particularly from this Ministry of Ana Paula Martins, things are getting worse”, accused the leader.

Joana Bordalo e Sá recalled the recent news of the “increase in fetal deaths of babies” and newborns as examples of this degradation.

“Our health data, which were excellent due to a SUS that was public, universal and guaranteed health to the population, are no longer a reality”, said the union leader, considering that the minister “Ana Paula Martins has no competence and does not has the political will to reverse the situation.”

Source: rr.sapo.pt