for the elite, sexual services cost between 60 and 300 euros

Sixty euros for ten minutes up to three hundred euros for sexual intercourse: at Élite 2 the price list for customers who wanted to use the private area was discovered.

Alexander DiStefanothe man arrested on charges of exploitation and aiding prostitution, is a well-known name in the world of Roman nights. Brought to popularity by Max Marino in his program ViviRoma, Di Stefano had become famous with the name Alexstanco. According to the prosecution, the man had induced girls to prostitute themselves in his club, Élite 2, keeping most of the profits for himself. Inside the club, the Police and the Financial Police found a real price list for meetings in the private room: sixty euros for ten minutes, eighty euros for fifteen, up to three hundred euros for a full sexual intercourse. Most of the proceeds would have ended up directly in the hands of Di Stefano, who would have told the girls never to say anything about what happened behind the curtains of the club.

Investigations into the premises began in October 2023, after a raid on Local Police. The officers spoke with a girl, an employee of Di Stefano, who told what happened behind the scenes. Not only shows and a few drinks, but also sexual intercourse in the private room. The girls were given thirty to sixty euros a day, plus a percentage based on the time spent with the customer. Di Stefano also said what to say in the event of a police raid: that a performance was taking place and that the money was only for the girls, not shared with the club. In short, a waiver of responsibility, which however fell through due to the numerous wiretaps and chats that leave no room for doubt. The 56-year-old was arrested and taken to prison. The cashier of the club was also accused of the same crimes, receiving as a precautionary measure the ban from residing in Rome. The club was seized.
