For the left, “it is democracy that is humiliated this evening”

Barnier governmentdossier

The announcement of the new government, mainly composed of LR and Macronist ministers, has sparked anger among left-wing figures. Olivier Faure confirmed that the socialists will table a motion of censure in the Assembly.

“A reactionary government in the form of a middle finger to democracy. See you for the censure debate.” In a terse tweet, the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, summed up the left’s position on the composition of Michel Barnier’s government team on Saturday evening. It must be said that with ten ministers from the hardest fringes of the Republicans, a dozen portfolios for Ensemble pour la République and a single “left-wing caution”, the promise of a government “balanced, representative, plural” is far from being held.

“Paper suspense”

Lucid, François Hollande lashed out at France Blue Limousin and “a hitch that already seems rickety” et “holds its survival to the National Rally.” For the Corrèze MP, the left must not procrastinate: “We must censure (the Barnier government) and a socialist motion of censure seems to me to be the right solution to have as many parliamentarians as possible who agree with it.” The former President, however, hopes that the maneuver will be “useful” to allow “prepare for the future” et “have a solution to propose” if the Barnier government falls.

As for Didier Migaud, “left bail” of this very right-wing government, Hollande criticizes: “He has long since abandoned all affiliation with the Socialist Party and the left.” This Sunday, September 22, Olivier Faure hammered the point home on France 3, denouncing “the most right-wing government of the Fifth Republic.” The Seine-et-Marne MP confirmed that the socialist group would submit a motion of censure to the National Assembly.

“We were promised a government of concord, we have a hard right government. It is democracy that is humiliated this evening with the end of this suspense on paper,” reacted for her part Lucie Castets, the NFP candidate for Matignon. “Barnier has no future,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon said on his side. And to assure that “His promised destiny is that he will be defeated in the National Assembly, probably on his budget proposal, and that he will fall thanks to a motion of censure if those who call themselves opposition continue to be so. That is the truth.” “We have gone from the Republican front to the Republican affront,” lamented to the Belgian daily the EveningMarine Tondelier.

“The words of the extreme right”

Among the incoming ministers, the personality and especially the positions of LR Bruno Retailleau crystallize the anger of the left-wing leaders. For Olivier Faure, the Vendée senator “has always been part of all the fights against marriage for all, against the ban on conversion therapy or against the constitutionalization of abortion.” Mathilde Panot, leader of the rebellious deputies in the Assembly, criticizes the new tenant of Beauvau “to use the words of the extreme right when speaking of “French on paper” and “ethnic regression” in working-class neighborhoods.”

The fact remains that despite its boasting, the left cannot single-handedly censor the government, even if it could count on the support of the Liot group, which announced on Saturday evening “stay in opposition”, which is far from guaranteed. Only the support of the National Rally for this motion of censure could bring down the Barnier government. The far-right party remains the master of the game.
