For the New Year celebrations, the trick is to schedule the sending of your wishes by a delayed SMS

SMS applications allowing you to program an SMS to send it delayed. Google Messages has this feature. Useful, for example, to prepare to send a Happy New Year message, just after New Year’s Eve, to stay in the party atmosphere.

New Year’s Eve is now very close and, from midnight, the ball of SMS wishing Happy New Years will begin. Millions of text messages then find themselves circulating on telecom networks, in France and around the world. A staggering number, although falling with competition from instant messaging.

This tradition of texting after midnight can, however, break the atmosphere of the end-of-year holidays, by encouraging everyone to get in front of their phones to send their virtual good wishes. The good news is that you can plan ahead by scheduling delayed SMS messages, which will be sent later.

It’s also useful if you drank a little too much on December 31 (which we don’t recommend, as alcohol has harmful effects on the body) and you can’t get a word together afterward. the other. Be careful, however: sending delayed SMS messages requires using a compatible SMS application. This is the case, for example, with Google Messages.

It is very easy to use: you just need to start or resume a chat with a contact and long press the send button to access delayed SMS messages. The guide below relies on Google Messages to introduce you to this solution, due to the app’s wide usage.

How to send a delayed SMS on Android

Carry out the following steps to schedule the automatic sending of your SMS on the date and time of your choice.

  • Get into the conversation of your choice or start a new one;
  • Compose your message;
  • Long press with your finger on the SMS sending icon (an arrow);
  • Obviously don’t release too soon! You would send your message straight away;
  • A superimposed “Schedule sending” window then appears;
For the New Year celebrations, the trick is to schedule the sending of your wishes by a delayed SMS
The main screens to know to send a delayed SMS. // Source: Screenshot
  • The application offers you various sending times by default, but you can choose a more personalized one;
  • If this is the case, a calendar is then displayed, to choose the date and time;
  • Once you have made your choice, a small notice reminding you of the delayed start will be visible on the screen, above your message;
  • Press the send message button;
  • The message will appear in the conversation, with an indication that it is on hold;
  • It will then leave at the appointed time, provided you have a network (Wi-Fi or mobile data).

How to delay or cancel sending a scheduled text message?

You can, until the moment of sending, return to the programmed message to modify it (for example, the sending time), send it immediately, or delete it, before reaching the recipient’s telephone. To do this, the action to do is to press your finger on the clock-shaped icon to access a context menu allowing you to reach several options (editing, deletion, sending).

Delayed SMSDelayed SMS
At any time, up to the moment of sending, you can resume your delayed SMS. // Source: Screenshot

This article is part of a series of topics providing some advice relating to SMS, whether it involves getting rid of automatic correction problems on iPhone, unwanted requests by message or on the telephone, the possibility to send SMS from a PC or to use SMS as a double authentication tool.

To go further

Source: Jeoffrey LecomteSource: Jeoffrey Lecomte

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