For the preservation of tradition and a better life in the countryside – Michaelmas meetings of the villages in Bukovac

In the municipality of Mionica, for the fourth time in a row, the Michaelmas Village Meetings were held, an event that has been bringing together young and old for years, reviving traditions and celebrating life in the countryside. The host of this year’s meetings was the village of Bukovac, which welcomed participants and guests from the entire municipality under the warm autumn sun.

Iva Nikolić from the Office of the President of the Municipality of Mionica, emphasized with pleasure that this event is being held for the fourth time in this municipality. “As you can see, every year we are getting better and better, there are more and more children, more and more participants, so we can say that this event in our municipality is really gaining importance”, said Iva Nikolić.

Our interlocutor also expressed her gratitude to the Ministry of Rural Care for the initiative to realize this kind of project, for the allocated funds, but above all for recognizing the importance of revitalizing the village through this type of event.

The inhabitants of the village of Bukovac were happy to participate in this event, so they did their best to give all visitors a warm welcome and offer them various contents.

As every year, games for children, sports competitions, knowledge quiz, exhibition of handicrafts, exhibition of paintings and many other contents were organized. Numerous KUDs also took part, and with their appropriate program, they enhanced this event with song and dance.

For the preservation of tradition and a better life in the countryside – Michaelmas meetings of the villages in Bukovac

As always, there was a handful of delicious homemade food, and the juicy roast was gone in no time.

This year’s meeting was opened by the well-known orator Dragiša Simić, who inspired everyone with his speech, pointing out the importance of villages. Tradition should be preserved, cherished and snatched from oblivion, Dragiša explained in his oratorical style.

“To preserve the Serbian tradition, to make Serbia stronger, richer, happier, younger and to have as many children as possible. May there never be war again, let every sister have three brothers, and a dear brother three dear sisters, there is no future without children. And that Mionian villages live, through assemblies, prela and posela. Cheers!”

The village meetings in Miholy showed that although the modern world is rushing forward, true values ​​lie in preserving what makes us human – our origins and our traditions.

“This is the concept that I am advocating, that local communities in Serbia, rural communities, independently negotiate, plan and decide,” said Minister Milan Krkobabić. In order for this concept to be realized, the state is obliged to help the local communities with funds – for roads, for the arrangement of water supply and sewerage systems, schools, health centers.
