For the sixth time in a row, Michalovce did not let Slovan even a point, the newcomer troubled the defending champions. Mezei made history – Extraliga – Hockey

The hockey players of HK Dukla Ingem Michalovce claimed their first victory in the 32nd year of the highest Slovak competition. In Sunday’s match of the 2nd round of the Extraliga, Tipos triumphed at the HC Slovan Bratislava stadium by just 4:3. Dukla thus defeated the “Whites” in the sixth meeting in the series.


From left, Michal Kabáč (Michalovce), Patrik Maier, Samuel Takáč, goalkeeper Denis Godla (all Slavs) and Topi Rönni (Michalovce).

In the beginning, the home team played two power plays, the second one was shortened, but they did not use them. The spectators waited for a goal until the 25th minute, but then the bag was torn apart and within nine minutes they lost as many as five.

The visitors were the first to strike, after Melišek and Rönni scored within 26 seconds. However, he immediately reduced Egle after a nice combination and almost equalized Pecararo after him.

Solenský restored the two-goal lead to the Michalovci in the 32nd minute, but the home side’s contact hit again.

Dudáš found the bounced puck after Acolatse’s shot and put it into the net. The coaches of the guests took up the challenge to position the player in the goal area, but they did not succeed and thus played in a weakened state.

Slovan did not take advantage of the power play, on the contrary, Michalovce did at the beginning of the third period after a clever run by Vašaš and led 4:2. In the next course, they guarded the two-goal lead and, except for one chance by Pecarara, they did not let the home team turn around.

“Whites” had a chance 3:37 minutes before the end, when Krastenbergs went for a penalty, after the time out they recalled Godla and played 6 on 4.

The power play didn’t work out for them, but right after it, Murphy reduced it in the game 6 on 5. Immediately, however, Bačik went for a penalty kick, and Michalovce already managed the finish.

2nd round Tipos extraliga:
HC Slovan Bratislava – HK Dukla Ingema Michalovce 3:4 (0:0, 2:3, 1:1)
Goals: 27. Egle (Bakoš, Takač), 34. Dudáš (Acolatse, Lukošik), 59. Murphy (Takač) – 25. Meliško, 26. Rönni (Bodák, Michnáč), 32. Solenský (Fominych), 44. Vašaš (Kabáč , Solenský). Referees: J. Konc ml., Novák – Durmis, Hercog, exclusions: 5:6, power plays: 0:1, weaknesses: 0:0, 3414 spectators.
Slav: Godla – Acolatse, Bačik, Kubka, Golian, Maier, Sersen, Královic – Pecararo, Hoelscher, Murphy – Bakoš, Egle, Takač – Puliš, Bjalončík, Šille – Dudáš, Preisinger, Lukošik – Kukumberg
Michalovce: Junca – Drgoň, Meliško, Bodák, Slováček, Marcinko, Cibák, Pišoja – Daugavinš, Pu, Krastenbergs – Svitana, Johnson, Fominych – Michnáč, Rönni, Gabriel – Kabáč, Solenský, Vašaš

HK Nitra recorded their second victory in the new edition of the Tipos extraliga. The defending champions defeated the newcomers of the competition, Vlci Žilina, 2:0.

At the age of 43 years, 11 months and 2 days, the captain of “Corgoňov” Branislav Mezei became the oldest defender to score in the highest Slovak competition.

Even before the opening goal, a symbolic flag was raised in front of the sold-out stands, which will commemorate the second title in the club’s history under the roof of the stadium.

The first third was fast-paced, but with significant inaccuracy on the sticks. The home team was more active, outshooting the opponent 15:5.

In the middle part, the number of shots reversed, but the Nitras prevailed thanks to captain Mezei, whose accurate strike was the winner in the final showdown.

The wolves were “biting” in the third act, they even tried to play without a goalkeeper, but did not score any points. Sahir Gill added the goal insurance after an exhibitionistic move into an empty goal.

Extraliga types – 2. kolo:
HK Nitra – Vlci Žilina 2:0 (0:0, 1:0, 1:0)
Goals: 32. Mezei (Cotton, Alger), 60. Gill (Jackson, Bajtek). Judges: Baluška, Krajčík – Gegáň, Hájnik, expulsion: 8:7 for 2 minutes, overpowering and weakening: 0:0, 3600 spectators
Nitra: Aittokallio – Mezei, Cotton, Hain, Auk, Stacha, Vitaloš, Bača – Buček, Gill, Bajtek – Jackson, Alger, T. Pobežal – Okoličány, Čederle, Lacka – Csányi, Hrnka, Bačo
Žilina: Košarišťan – Tourigny, Gachulinec, J. Pobežal, Miller, Holenda, Djakov – Kolenič, Jones, Dej – Lukosevicius, Šmída, Mucha – Varga, Walega, Fejes – Koyš, Galamboš, Mráz

HC MIKRON Nové Zámky defeated HKM Zvolen 3:2. In the opening home game of the season, the Zámčani recovered their appetite after Friday’s loss on the ice of Slovan Bratislava. The chosen ones did not succeed even in the second game of the starting season.

By the 16th minute, the spectators had already seen four goals, two on both sides. The teams subsequently paid more attention to the defense, and in the end, Canadian striker Nicolas Guay, who scored in the 44th minute on the power play, decided the home team’s victory.

Extra-league types, 2. kolo:
HC Mikron Nové Zámky – HKM Zvolen 3:2 (2:2, 1:0, 0:0)
Goals: 6. Ondrušek, 16. Komuls (Tvrdoň, Hamaliuk), 44. Guay – 3. Robertson (Marcinek), 16. A. Mišiak. Referees: Klejna, Goga – D. Konc ml., Vyšný, expulsions: 5:6 for 2 min., power plays: 0:0, weakness: 0:0, 2124 spectators
New Castles: Grande – Komuls, Roman, Luža, Kowalczyk, Novajovský, Semaňák, Meszároš – Ducharme, Guay, Golod – Tvrdoň, Slovák, Hamaliuk – Lapšanský, Linet, Handlovský – Kodhaj, Ondrušek, Ružek – H. Kováč
Elected: Kantor – Bindulis, Halbert, Hudec, Oligny, Beňo, Robertson, Sládok – Hecl, Sheehy, Kudrna – Zuzin, Olson, Bondra – A. Mišiak, Jendek, Marcinek – L. Lunter, Senčák, Macek

The hockey players of HK Spišská Nová Ves triumphed over HK Dukla Trenčín 4:1. In the second game of the season, they achieved their first victory, when they recovered their appetite after Friday’s loss in Banská Bystrica. Trenčín are without a point after two duels.

Extra-league types, 2. kolo
HK Spišská Nová Ves – HK Dukla Trenčín 4:1 (2:1, 1:0, 1:0)
Goals: 12. Andrusiak (MacKinnon, Romanák), ​​17. MacKinnon (Andrusiak, Hannoun), 31. Chlán (Džugan, Števuliak), 45. Hannoun – 7. Josling (Green, Stapley). Referees: Žák, Rojík – Tomáš, Knižka, expulsions: 2:1 for 2 min., power plays: 1:0, weakness: 0:0, 2926 spectators
Spišská Nová Ves: Mitens – Ališauskas, Žiak, MacKinnon, Romanák, Valach, Groch, S. Barcík – Rapáč, Ford, Majdan – Hannoun, Myklucha, Andrusiak – Števuliak, Chlán, Džugan – Danielčák, Bortňák, Drábek
Trencin: Melicherčík – Cardwell, Hlaváč, Schmiemann, Hatala, Bokroš, Starosta, Macejko, Laurenčík – Ahl, Baláž, Záborský – Josling, Stapley, Green – Hudec, Sojčík, Burzan – Tomík, Dej, Krajčovič

Banská Bystrica beat Košice 4:3 at home after separate raids and recorded their second win of the season by two points. Košice lost for the first time, but scored the second time. Šimon Petráš shone with two goals.

Košice had an excellent start to the match. They opened the scoring after thirty seconds, when a free Petráš scored after a spot-kick.

“Steelmen” were the more active team in the first period, but they added the second goal only in the second act after a break in the weakening, when Lamper’s shot was deflected by Hrachovina, but Krivošík succeeded on the stop.

In the second period, the home team played as many as three power plays in a row, but they managed only one goal, Faith reduced the score to 1:2 from the center circle into the open goal.

After defending, the guests struck again in the weakened state and Šimon Petráš added his second goal of the match in the 34th minute from a corner in front of the goal.

In the third period, Košice didn’t use three power plays in a row and were punished for it. Adams made the contact goal at 2:3 from rare pressure in the attacking third with an accurate shot, and in the end, Wedman equalized at 3:3 in a power play by two players from the stop.

In extra time, the guests did not use the power play and so it was decided in separate raids, in which only the home team Bíreš prevailed.

HC ’05 Banská Bystrica – HC Košice 4:3 pp and sn (0:1, 1:2, 2:0 – 0:0, 1:0)
Goals: 27. R. Faith (Scarlett, Boucher), 50. Adams (Wedman, Jasenec), 57. Weman (Scarlett, R. Faith), deci. raid Bíreš – 1. Š. Petraš (Pollock, Teves), 25. Krivošík (Lamper), 34. Š. Petráš (Martel). Judges: Štefik, Kocúr – Tichý, Stanzel, excluded for 2 min.: 7:6, power plays: 2:0, weakness: 0:1, 2026 spectators.
Banská Bystrica: Peas – Scarlett, Chicoine, Michalčin, Zeleňák, Česánek, Žabka, D. Stránský – Petriska, Boucher, Voyer – Adams, Wedman, R. Faith – Výhonský, Bíreš, Tomka – Jasenec, Čunderlík, Matoušek
Košice: Janus – Teves, Deyl, Parlett, Gildon, Ferenc, Šedivý – Martel, Pollock, Š. Petráš – Jääskeläinen, Michal Chovan, T. Mikúš – Krivošík, Kohút, Lamper – Bartánus, Havrila, Rogoň

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