For two years, a crow has been sending poisoned letters to the inhabitants of this village in England.

Reading time: 2 minutes – Spotted on The Guardian

For almost two years, an anonymous author has been disturbing the peace of the small village of Shiptonthorpe, located in the north-east of England. Several inhabitants occasionally receive letters containing vitriol, sulfuric acid used in small doses as poison, relate The Guardian.

It all begins in December 2022, when a woman claims to have received a letter accusing her of having used sexual favors in an attempt to become a city councilor.

She says: “It was disgusting, I tore it up, I couldn’t believe where it came from or why I had received it”before continuing: “He accused me of being what you might call an easy woman. He said that the only way for me to achieve anything in politics would be to do things that men would not admit.”.

“I hope cancer gets to you”

In total, the woman received four letters. She reported them to the police, who investigated and found CCTV footage, but were unable to find the crow.

Letters -signed “from a dear and caring friend”– were also sent to the woman’s partner, asking him to “to prevent him from wandering”. He confides: “I was scared. I was afraid that someone would approach my partner to hurt her.”. Another villager reportedly received a letter saying: “I hope cancer gets to you”.

This series of letters is poisoning the lives of some residents who, out of fear, have preferred to move far from Shiptonthorpe. One local laments: “Shiptonthorpe is a quiet village with wonderful people, but for the past two years someone has brought malice to it”.
