Forecaster Kolesov revealed whether Petersburgers should expect new heat records

The meteorologist presented the weather forecast for the next week.

Against the backdrop of a gradual cooling in St. Petersburg, air temperature records are no longer expected. This was reported by the chief forecaster of the city’s Hydrometeorological Center, Alexander Kolesov, on the Telegram channel.

According to him, despite the fact that it is still dry and sunny in the Northern capital, the air temperature will become lower in the coming days.

At the same time, the weather forecaster did not rule out the possibility of warm weather combined with rain and wind next week under the influence of cyclones. “But the weather will be completely different. Increased wind, clouds and rain, and short-term clearings between them,” Kolesov noted.

According to the expert’s forecast, on September 25 and 26 the air in the Northern capital may warm up to around 20 degrees, but such figures will not be enough to set a record.

Overall, September 2024 has seen one more temperature extreme than 2023. This September has seen more abnormally warm days, while last year “had a record number of warmest nights,” the meteorologist added.

Earlier, the Ministry of Emergency Situations warned residents of St. Petersburg about squall winds.

Read also:

The Ministry of Emergency Situations warned residents of St. Petersburg about squall windsForecaster Leus predicted a complete absence of rain in St. PetersburgAbnormal temperature: weather in St. Petersburg continues to surprise forecastersEmergencies Ministry: Leningrad Region to be Covered by FogAbnormal heat brings sixth record in a month to St. PetersburgForecaster Leus announced the last outbreak of summer heat in St. Petersburg

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