Foreign media speak of ‘panic in Spain’ over ministries recognising Gibraltar’s territorial waters

Despite the Historical dispute between Spain and the United Kingdom for the sovereignty of the waters surrounding Gibraltar and the firm Spanish position that they are Spanish territorial waters, There are two ministries that do not reflect that position.

As you have seen, Europe Souththere are portals dependent on the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge and of the Home Office in which there are maps in which those territorial waters are recognized as Gibraltar.

Specifically, in the representation of the Strategic Noise Maps It can be seen how An almost circular figure surrounds the rock, referring to the fact that these waters are under Gibraltarian sovereignty.

Strategic Noise Map of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic ChallengeThe HuffPost

The same thing happens in the Geoportal de Hidocarburoswhich publishes daily the prices of gas stations in Spain and which also depends on the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

Also, the General Directorate of Trafficdependent on the Ministry of the Interior, in its map of incidents on the road network It also depicts the waters surrounding the Rock as belonging to Gibraltar.

In any case, the aforementioned media explains that “the drawing of the maritime perimeter around the British colony occurs because The structure of these pages uses the free collaborative cartography of OpenStreetMap as a base layer to represent the information.”

Furthermore, this error has already reached international media. This is the case of Olive Pressa medium focused on Germany, and occasionally covering Spanish news from a German perspective, which speaks directly to “Panic in Spain” for what happened.
