Former Miss Italy Eleonora Pedron celebrates 42 years in intimacy with her actor partner Fabio Troiano: photos –

  • The former Miss Italy turns 42 and treats herself to a romantic evening in the Capital
  • At her side there is always the actor to whom she has been linked for over 5 years

Eleonora Pedron blows out 42 candles and celebrates in Rome with a very intimate evening. Next to her there is always Fabio Troianothe 49-year-old actor to whom she has been linked for over 5 years. The former Miss Italy divides her time between the capital, where she lives with Fabio, and Monte Carlo where there are her two children Ines and Leon, born from her marriage with Max Biaggi.

Eleonora Pedron celebrated her 42nd birthday in Rome

Before hugging her children again, Pedron blew out a symbolic candle in Rome on a fruit tart in a well-known bar in the Prati district. Eleonora has been linked to Troiano for 5 years. An important relationship but greeted with a certain skepticism by the actor’s family who at first would not have believed in a bond between the two. “When I said I was with her they didn’t believe me. My father said: ‘And that Miss Italy is going to get together with you?!’‘ Fabio confessed.

The couple has been together for over 5 years

After the celebrations the couple she left immediately for the holidays. Troiano always revealed: “She loves to travel, she would travel all the time, but I am very lazy. When she organizes a trip, because she organizes everything, the trip, the hotel, the plane, at a certain point she says: ‘Let’s go’. And I say: ‘Nooo! Again, where are we going?’. And she says a place and I say: ‘Why?’. And I am really anxious. Then, however, when I arrive, the truth is that I am fine where I am. So in reality she manages to find in me that Indiana Jones that is somewhere”.
