Four mistakes you should not make if you want to have a good Internet connection

To have a good Internet connection we must choose our provider well, we have to choose a connection that is fast enough enough to cover our needs, and we must also avoid making some mistakes that can end up having a serious impact not only on its performance, but also on its security.

In this article I am going to share with you four of those errors that are the most frequent, and also of the most serious because of the serious consequences they can have on our connection. I will also explain how we can avoid them, and I will add other important information in case it is useful. If you have any questions you can leave them in the comments.

1.- A good Internet connection is not possible without a good password

Using a weak password will be like leave our connection open to possible intruders. It is also a bad idea to keep the password that comes by default with the router, since it may end up being leaked and no longer secure.

Having an intruder on your Wi-Fi network is not pleasant, I can attest to this, since I had one many years ago. This can completely ruin your Internet connection, both wireless and wired, because said intruder could consume all the available bandwidth and leave you without Internet.

Use a password that they cannot associate with youand that does not represent any names of people close to you or things you have, something meaningless with numbers, letters, upper and lower case and with at least a couple of special characters.

2.- Poor placement of the router, the source of many headaches

good internet connection

If you place the router in a very low area, the Wi-Fi signal will lose range, and the same will happen if it is located in an area where there are many obstacles around you, or if you encounter many sources of interference.

A poor location of the router can mean that we do not have an Internet connection even at a short distance, or that it is of very low quality and offers very limited performance. To solve it, we just have to place the router in an elevated place free of obstacles, there is no more.

3.- Connect to the least appropriate Wi-Fi network

A router can have different bands compatible with our devices. We will be the ones who will have to choose which band we want to connect to, and it is a very important decision, because this will determine range and speed of our connection.

For example, if we have a router compatible with the 6 GHz band and also with the 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz bands, we must connect to the first whenever possible, because it offers greater bandwidth and it is also less saturated than the other two.

If we connect to the 2.4 GHz band we will have a much lower bandwidth, and we will also be using a band that is very saturated and that is more prone to interference.

4.- Never update the router

This is an increasingly common error because these types of updates are becoming more and more important. The updates that a router receives They are not so frequent like those that a PC or a smartphone can receive, but they usually contain important improvements that mainly affect security.

Some routers, such as AVM’s FRTIZ!Box series, receive updates that, in addition to improving security, also introduce performance improvements and new features and features. FRITZ!OS 8 It is one of the best recent examples. Installing available updates for your router is always a good idea, because it will help you have a good Internet connection.

Content offered by AVM.
