France is planning a complete ban on phones in schools

France is planning a complete ban on phones in schools

The French government plans to introduce a general ban on the use of mobile phones in schools by the start of classes in 2025 at the latest.

“I think there is an urgency at the national level. We are also talking about the health of our young people, it is a mission in which we have no right to fail”, said the minister in charge of school success, Aleksander Portie, for CNews/Europe 1 television.

He said that it would be incomprehensible if the government was unable to implement this “digital break” no later than the beginning of the next school year, in September 2025.

The minister added that everyone who has tested the ban so far has given very good marks.

“This will allow young people to devote themselves fully to their studies,” said Portier and added that this is necessary because there can be no success in a school if a climate fully dedicated to learning is not created in it.

Since the beginning of this school year, in accordance with the proposals of the commission, at the request of President Emmanuel Macron, about 180 schools in France are testing a “digital break”, that is, a complete ban on mobile phones. Each school determines the method of conducting the experiment.

Children, school, computer, laptop (Freepik)

For example, in some schools, students leave their phones in cassettes or boxes and pick them up at the end of class.

As of 2018, cell phone use in primary and lower secondary schools is prohibited by law in France, but students can have devices in their bags if they are switched off and out of the way. They don’t have to leave them at the entrance.

Portier said that the law, passed six years ago, has not yet been implemented due to a lack of political will because, as he said, it was feared that it was going to the end.

Other countries are also testing this system. In Hungary, for example, according to a recent decree, students leave their phones with teachers at the beginning of the day.

Source: Beta

Photo: Unsplash, Freepik
