In the end it also arrives Fabrizio Corona. The former “King of the Paparazzi” has decided to share his truth about divorce between Francesca Pascale and Paola Turcia news that has dominated the media and public attention in recent days. After the statements of Pascale, who had described the breakup with a laconic “I decided to distance myself and I’m suffering a lot”, Corona now offers his version of the facts in an article written on the portal
Fabrizio Corona’s truth about the Turci-Pascale divorce
Second Fabrizio CoronaFrancesca Pascale solved numerous economic and personal problems of Paola Turci during the two years of their relationship. Corona says that the singer-songwriter, “without a job and without money” at the beginning of their relationship, found in Silvio Berlusconi’s ex-partner economic and emotional security.
Pascale, on the other hand, would have been “manipulated” from the very beginning by Turci. Corona describes the latter as a woman who took advantage of his ex-wife, gaining financial and personal benefits without offering the same respect and support.
From left, Paola Turci and Francesca Pascale
According to his statements, the situation degenerated until Pascale’s participation in the television program ‘Belve’ represented a final breaking pointleading to separation.
Consequences and Future Reflections
Fabrizio Corona concludes his revelations on with a sort of reflection on the dynamics of power and manipulation within the Turci-Pascale couple. The latter would have been “forced” to proceed with the separation because “Paola didn’t let her get over anything and was unbearable so much so that, despite her great love, Francesca was forced to say goodbye to her.”
Corona describes Turci with harsh words, stating that in the report “he got everything he wanted – always sulking and always sulking – never leaving Francesca alone and even making a huge scene” due to Pascale’s participation in Fagnani’s program.
“The statements made during the interview with Belve, his comments, his words and Francesca’s look were the point of no return and the impossibility of coexistence,” writes the former television personality.
Finally he concludes with a wish to Francesca Pascale, so that she can “enjoy a life that she feels deserves”. On the contrary he addresses a provocation to the singer-songwriter“advising her” to reflect on herself and her statements “which sooner or later she will be forced to do“.