Frankincense, extraordinary remedy: Kills cancer cells

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Frankincense, extraordinary remedy: Kills cancer cells, melts cysts on the liver, lungs or kidneys

Frankincense is a wonderful remedy for health. It dissolves cysts on the liver, lungs or kidneys. In the first week, a white frankincense grain is swallowed wrapped in a core of bread. In the next three weeks, do the same, but only every other day. In parallel, drink three to four glasses of shepherd’s wort tea before the main meals and even between meals instead of water.

Miraculous powers

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Incense, according to the Christian cult, has been used since ancient times, considered “a good fragrance” whose smoke rises to the sky as a symbol of our prayers. In fact, incense is the sap (resin) of some exotic shrubs that, coming into contact with air, congeals, just like the resin of fir trees. Shrubs of the family Burseraceae grow in India, China, Somalia, Ethiopia and Egypt, in the crevices of the rocks in the mountains and in the vicinity of the sea.

A milky liquid oozes from the longitudinal incisions made in the bark of this small shrub. It is collected between the end of March and the beginning of April. Each tree brings, depending on the age, thickness and condition of the trees, three to ten kg of incense.

A tree can be exploited for up to four years, after which a break of several years is required. Incense has different shapes and colors, depending on the places and countries it comes from. the incense of Arabia, Egypt and Somalia is yellowish and in the form of tears, that of India is superior, yellow. in antiquity, it was one of the most precious commodities, its value being close to that of gold.

Ingredient for the preparation of Holy and Great Myrrh

Incense is an ingredient in the preparation of Holy and Great Myrrh. Synthetic incense is widely used today. But, for therapeutic purposes, natural incense is recommended. Beware of counterfeit incense made from different fir or spruce resins! It can be harmful.

Frankincense, a resinous substance with a pleasant and aromatic smell

Frankincense, a resinous substance with a pleasant and aromatic smell, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, carminative and cicatrizing, diuretic, expectorant, sedative pharmacotherapeutic action.

Reddish-yellow frankincense beans, used as mental fortifiers

Also in oriental medicine, reddish-yellow incense beans are used as mental fortifiers. In Europe, frankincense was used until the middle of the 19th century to relieve rheumatic pains. Modern medicine seems to rediscover it in the therapy of cancer, dysentery and fever.

Herbs are a safe way to strengthen and tone the body, but natural or nutritional remedies should be discussed with a doctor before starting treatment.
