Free kilowatts for single-member households

The procedure for obtaining this assistance is carried out in local governments and they are obliged to respond to the request within one month.

Photo illustration: Pixabay

According to the new rulebook that entered into force on October 1, who will have the right to exercise the right to free kilowatts of electricity, gas and heating through heating plants for the first time, and who will be able to renew the request and continue using these privileges, since they are valid from October new, higher amounts of monthly household income for the status of an energy vulnerable customer?

According to the new rulebook, a household with only one member whose income does not exceed 24,211.23 dinars can exercise the right to these privileges, with two members the upper limit is 38,373.38 dinars, for three it is 52,535.53 dinars, and for households with four members the income is it must not exceed RSD 66,697.68. The maximum monthly income for five members is 80,859.83 dinars, while for households with six members the income cannot exceed 95,021.98 dinars, and for households with more than six members, 14,162.15 dinars is added for each additional member.

The changes occur because the new amount of the total monthly income of the household is harmonized with the consumer price index for the previous six months, based on the data of the Republic Institute of Statistics.

In order for someone to realize this right, in addition to the total monthly income and the number of members, the household must prove that there are no other places to live, apart from the one where they live.

This privilege of the state can also be exercised on the basis of the state of health, if a member of the household uses medical devices or devices necessary to maintain health, and whose life or health could be threatened by the interruption of electricity.

Photo-illustration: Unsplash (Sergiu Valena)

The limit for a one-member household is 40 square meters, for a two-member household up to 58, for a three-member household up to 66, for a four-member household up to 74, for a five-member household up to 87, and for households with six or more members up to 96 square meters. A rural household can own one apartment and acquires the status of an energy-vulnerable customer, regardless of the area of ​​that residential unit. The procedure for obtaining this status is carried out in local governments and they are obliged to respond to the request within one month.

According to the Energy Vulnerable Customer Regulation, a single-member household has the right to a reduction in electricity costs up to 120 kilowatt-hours per month throughout the year, 160 for two- and three-member households, 200 for four- and five-member households, and 250 kilowatt-hours per month for six-member and larger households.

Fines are also provided for non-compliance with the law, i.e. from 80,000 to 150,000 dinars, the responsible person in the body of the local self-government unit will pay a fine for the offense if the decision on acquiring the status of an energy vulnerable customer is issued contrary to the provisions of the rulebook.

If the person who received this status breaks the rules, he can receive a fine of 5,000 to 10,000 dinars, according to the rulebook.

Source: Politics
