Free legal assistance for victims of multiple crimes

The draft law aims to regulate the granting of free legal assistance, financial compensation and the advance thereof to the victims of certain types of crimes.

“Free legal assistance is granted to the following categories of victims: persons on whom an attempt was committed in the crimes of murder, qualified murder, a crime of bodily harm, an intentional crime that resulted in the victim’s bodily harm, a crime of bad treatment applied to the minor, a crime of domestic violence, a crime of unlawful deprivation of liberty, a crime of slavery, human trafficking, trafficking of minors and subjection to forced or compulsory labor, a crime of rape, rape committed on to a minor, sexual assault, sexual assault committed on a minor, determination or facilitation of sexual acts or of a sexual nature between minors, sexual corruption of minors, recruitment of minors for sexual purposes and sexual harassment, a crime of torture, a crime of child pornography”, the project states.

Free legal assistance is also granted to family members of deceased persons by committing the crimes of murder, qualified murder, as well as intentional crimes that resulted in the death of the person.

“Free legal assistance is granted to each victim throughout the process and in the phase of enforced execution of the decision regarding the civil compensation granted to him, within the limit of an amount equivalent to 5 gross minimum basic salaries per country, established for the year in which the victim made the request of free legal assistance. The necessary funds for the provision of free legal assistance are provided from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Justice”, the normative act also says.

The project was also adopted by the Senate, and the Chamber of Deputies is the decision-making body in this case.


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