Freedom Party: we are the only ones representing the liberal-minded people of Lithuania

From economic challenges to the future of education, from human rights to climate change, from animal welfare to nightlife, these are just a few of the many important topics discussed with political, business and public leaders.

Photo by Lukas Bartkaus. / Freedom Party event “We have unfinished business”

Our commitments and work overlap.

“Unlike some parties, our commitments and work coincide. We have completed most of our programmatic commitments. And today we are the only choice for a Western, liberal person”, said the chairman of the Freedom Party, Aušrinė Armonaitė.

Party program from economic growth, human rights to business progress

“We choose those who speak boldly and do what they say. We are looking for solutions and looking to the future, said Aušrinė Armonaitė. – The program of the Freedom Party is comprehensive, it covers not only traditional areas – economic growth or human rights, but also areas that other parties do not talk about, such as data protection, animal rights. This affects all of us, because we want to live in such a state, which is further from Russia not only in terms of defense, but also in terms of culture and respect for people.”

According to A. Armonaitė, we live in conditions of permanent tax reform: “This does not contribute to the growth agenda. We have not supported and will not support any fees that will be offered recklessly and without justification.”

The leader of the Freedom Party also touched on the issue of data protection: “In Lithuania, we need to create a friendly data regulation mechanism so as not to stop progress. We want to open state-protected data to businesses, the media, and citizens. This does not conflict with security, as we have one of the best infrastructures to protect data from cyber attacks.”

Photo by Lukas Bartkaus. / Freedom Party event

Photo by Lukas Bartkaus. / Freedom Party event “We have unfinished business”

Freedom, growth and true values ​​must be constantly fought for

The chairperson of the Freedom Party noted that for the past four years, she has worked to make Lithuania a modern, innovative and just state, where everyone has equal opportunities to create their future: “Today we see that the forces that want to destroy our country, not to grow it, are going to the elections. close, distance from the West. Responsible thinking people see that freedom, growth and true values ​​must be constantly fought for.”

There are jobs that no one else will do for us.

The Freedom Party has proven to be a counterweight to darkness, populism and regression. “We are ready to work because there are jobs that no one else will do for us. It needs your support and more mandates in the Seimas. We cannot stop – we have unfinished business!” said Aušrinė Armonaitė.

Society is changing – there will be a civil union in Lithuania

Chairman of the Human Rights Committee Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius says that the Liberals, together with the entire Seimas, managed to implement many important points in the field of human rights: “Lithuania is moving towards Western Europe.”

According to TVRaskevičius, the main thing that the Freedom Party has already managed to achieve in the field of human rights is to make it an important part of the political agenda, and not a scandal on the margins: “We also implemented most of the commitments of our program, for example, legalized the spelling of personal names in the original characters, increased the minimum allowance payments and we ensured that working people with disabilities do not lose them.”

Photo by Lukas Bartkaus. / Freedom Party event

Photo by Lukas Bartkaus. / Freedom Party event “We have unfinished business”

TVRaskevičiaus admitted that it was not possible to implement the Civil Union project because it was not supported by other parties, although they have included in their program the desire to strengthen the protection of human rights: “Society is changing and we will definitely adopt the Civil Union Law. We are one of the last four EU countries that still does not have such a law.”

in Denmark in 1989 the first same-sex marriage was registered. “I was born in the same year, it can be said that our state is late for so many years,” said T. Raskevičiaus.

He does not make empty promises, he talks about specific tasks and his responsibility

Vice-Chairman of the Seimas Vytautas Mitalas said that politicians used to promise to lower the price of sausage, increase pensions, achieve peace in Ukraine right now or “fix” China.

“Can people really believe in such inadequate promises?” We are talking about specific jobs and our responsibility to carry them out, despite the difficult period.

We are fighting for freedom, a self-confident person, his values, for a state that does not dictate how to live at every step,” said V. Mitala.

Photo by Lukas Bartkaus. / Freedom Party event

Photo by Lukas Bartkaus. / Freedom Party event “We have unfinished business”

VIDEO: We have unfinished business! | 9 hours about future Lithuania

Political advertising was paid for from the PK account of the Freedom Party
