Friendship crowned with Orthodoxy – Vesti online

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Hosts: Children from the folklore group of the Rastko Church School from Ruti Hil

On the coming Sunday, September 22, the 30th Serbian-Greek Friendship Day will be held in the Church of St. Archdeacon Stefan in Sydney’s Ruti Hill neighborhood. This beautiful tradition dates back to 1994 and survives thanks to the dedication of a group of enthusiasts from two communities and the clergy of two sister Orthodox churches.

The day dedicated to the celebration of the common faith, as well as the culture and traditions of the two peoples, will have a multinational dimension this year as well, as the folklore society of the Bulgarian community of Sydney will participate in the cultural and artistic program.

– Our event is growing into a day of pan-Orthodox friendship, since in addition to performers from the Serbian, Greek and Bulgarian communities, the event will also be attended by representatives of the Russian and Romanian people in Australia. We want to strengthen even more the bonds between us that are united by Orthodoxy and to include other peoples of the same faith in the coming years – Branko Kondić from the organizing committee of the Day of Serbian-Greek Friendship told “Vesti”.

The day will begin with a liturgy in the church of Saint Archdeacon Stefan

The day will begin with the holding of the holy liturgy in the temple of Saint Archdeacon Stefan at 9.30 am. Around 11:00 a.m., the reception of guests will begin, and a rich cultural and artistic program and joint lunch from 12:30 p.m. in the church hall.

Among the folklore groups from the Serbian community, the local ensemble from the Rastko Church School will participate, followed by folklorists from the Serbian Center in Bonirig, as well as children from the church municipality of Sveti Jovan Krstitelj from Dapt in Wulongong. Also, several ensembles from the Greek community are coming.

Tickets for this event can be purchased for $15.

– This day means a lot for our community, it will be a nice opportunity to enjoy spending time with our brothers in faith, and that is why I hereby invite all our people to gather as many as possible on Sunday in the church of Saint Archdeacon Stefan – pointed out Branko Kondić.

It is expected that the hall in Ruti Hill will be filled to capacity again

The consuls of Serbia and Greece are coming

The Serbian-Greek Friendship Day in Ruti Hill will also be attended by official representatives of the motherland of both nations. Their arrival was confirmed by the Consul General of Serbia in Sydney, Jakov Rogan, as well as the Consul General of Greece in this city, Ioannis Malikurtis. The presence of the Deputy High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra is also expected.
