“From creating games to role-playing with ChatGPT” How to use AI in your daily life

I now realize that ChatGPT is nothing more than a glorified chatbot, and not at all ready to replace real human employees, let alone take over the world. Some people even claim that artificial intelligence chatbots are nothing more than a strange trick and are useless.

I don’t think it’s to that extent. After actually using ChatGPT in my daily life, I was surprised at its usefulness. It’s the same as any other technological tool. To properly utilize the value of ChatGPT, you must know how to use it properly.

Here’s what we did this year using ChatGPT, and the many ways ChatGPT has actually improved individuals’ lives.

Learn coding with ChatGPT

Can I become good at coding with just ChatGPT? It varies from person to person. If you ask most programmers whether ChatGPT can replace their development work, they will emphasize that we are still far from that reality.

Can it be used as a tool to guide and understand syntax, concepts, and other programming-related matters? It wasn’t bad at all. So, I learned coding with ChatGPT.

I’ve wanted to make a game for years, but it wasn’t until 2024 that I finally had the time. I learned Basic about 30 years ago and have used Python and Flash’s ActionScript in the 00’s, but in reality, I was at a complete beginner level, so ChatGPT was really useful.

I told them the concept I wanted to develop, and Game Maker helped me choose a game engine. Then, after creating a few tutorial games, I started working on my own, guided by ChatGPT.

ChetGPT pointed me in the right direction if I didn’t know what to do in Game Maker. Explained the difference between array and DS map. When basic syntax errors were not found, ChatGPT found them in seconds.

Of course, I tried writing code using ChatGPT instead, but it was difficult. They were often very inefficiently implemented, had too many comments, or didn’t work properly. Even if it worked properly, if a problem occurred, it could not be fixed because the beginner lacked understanding of how it worked.

Now that it’s been a few months since I started coding, I’ve grown to the point where I can solve most problems on my own, so I don’t use ChatGPT much. However, ChatGPT is still very useful when you can’t conceptualize how to build something (you don’t have enough programming experience to know how to do it). If you ask them to suggest three ways to approach a problem by ranking them according to efficiency or modularity, you can develop the game while making work-related calls.

ChatGPT is a great role-playing partner

ⓒ Jon Martindale / IDG

I like tabletop role-playing (TTRPG). Role-playing games with good friends are my favorite hobbies. My first love was Call of Cthulhu, I’m still involved in the nearly 10 year old Dungeons & Dragons campaign, and I’ve even played a few one-shots on various systems over the years.

Right now, I want to run a new game, but it’s been a while since I’ve been a game master, so to be honest, I’m a little nervous and feel like I’m not good at it. Is there any other way other than just bumping into it?

This is where ChatGPT comes into play.

I’ve always practiced role-playing out loud before a session, trying out different accents or intonations for my character’s voice, and organically creating backstories by seeing what came to mind while improvising.

However, using ChatGPT, you can practice more realistically by exchanging real conversations with imaginary players.

Using ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode, you can have a fluid conversation with the chatbot, and it will handle any character or persona you give it. Although you can’t change your voice while chatting, you can play multiple characters and give each character different vocal styles and speech patterns.

I haven’t tried it myself yet, but you can also have ChatGPT play a character in the game during your session. This can be useful when someone leaves at the last minute, leaving a gap in the party, or when no one wants to take on a specific role. ChatGPT is not perfect, but it can take over that role as needed.

Chat GPT answers children’s questions

I am so grateful that we live in an age where even if my children, ages 4 and 6, ask the wrong question, they can take out their cell phone and find the answer within seconds. It has become much more convenient than visiting the library or looking up an encyclopedia.

However, in the modern information search process, children do not wait patiently while their parents search for answers on their smartphones. For parents who intentionally try to limit smartphone screen time, this process feels twice as long.

So I liked the fact that ChatGPT’s advanced voice mode allowed me to answer questions in a fun and engaging way. This is because, rather than only parents looking for and passing on knowledge, children also find answers together. It’s much more interesting and surprising that way. It also gives children practice expressing their questions clearly.

However, it should be kept in mind that Open AI can collect children’s voice data and questions for algorithm learning, so it is not recommended to use it for sensitive matters.

I wouldn’t use this when I want to guarantee an accurate answer, as there is a chance that the answer is wrong or completely wrong. However, it can be a great opportunity to teach your child to always check the source when it comes to information.

ChatGPT acts as a virtual counselor

Like many modern people, I suffer from anxiety and have to manage it every day. I see a therapist, practice mindfulness, exercise regularly, watch my diet, and try to quit bad habits like doomscrolling whenever possible.

However, this does not mean that anxiety can be completely controlled. Anxiety is a constant threat to your productivity, mood, and gut health, so you’re always tempted to try new ways to manage it.

One of them was to ‘talk’ with ChatGPT. I sought help with mindfulness, received coaching on breathing techniques, and shared complex personal concerns to gain a different perspective.

ⓒ Jon Martindale / IDG

In particular, I found it really useful to be able to chat with ChatGPT via text alone or in a quiet voice. With the recently implemented advanced voice mode, ChatGPT has become more nuanced, and it’s not impossible to have a therapist-like conversation. In fact, ChatGPT sometimes sounds like it genuinely cares about the other person. (Of course, it doesn’t actually have emotions, but it’s still effective nonetheless.)

Reaching out to an artificial intelligence to connect with a human may feel a little strange, and privacy concerns are very valid when using ChatGPT in this way. But I can say that it definitely works, at least partially.

Of course, it’s not as good as seeing a real therapist. I also don’t believe that ChatGPT’s conversation capabilities can replace one-on-one real social experiences with fellow humans. However, if you are in a difficult situation and need a little help, ChatGPT can be a great alternative.

ChatGPT’s quick imagination

My current interest is World War II. Over the past few months, I’ve enjoyed listening to a lot of historical documentaries, videos, and podcasts on this topic. As with all major historical events, it’s hard not to imagine hypothetical scenarios about how things might have been different if the little things hadn’t actually happened.

If I had more academic interest and time, I could have seriously researched such a hypothetical alternate history and written a paper that would be of interest to others. But in reality, it’s just a momentary thought, and ChatGPT is very fun in that respect.

I asked ChatGPT to create an alternative game scenario for a battle led by a different general. What would have happened if Hitler had not been obsessed with capturing Stalingrad? What would have happened if the Allies had simply advanced into Russia after Germany’s defeat? What would have happened if Churchill had taken his cabinet’s advice and surrendered in 1940? What if America hadn’t stopped with two nuclear weapons?

ⓒ Jon Martindale / IDG

Of course, these questions are all so complex that it is difficult to actually know the answers. But to even be able to make a rough estimate of the final outcome on your own would require much more historical research. It will take weeks or months to get anything even remotely realistic.

ChatGPT makes history lovers instantly accessible. It may be wrong, but there is no way to prove it, and it is likely to be more accurate than what an individual came up with on their own. More importantly, ChatGPT can explore interesting hypothetical scenarios because it has a repository of knowledge needed to think about what might have happened.

Source: www.itworld.co.kr