From League of Legends to energy drinks: the opinion-forming power of gamers – technocrat

The popularity of YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Twitch is increasing, while the role of streamers as opinion leaders is becoming more and more influential in the digital world, according to Reacty Digital’s latest research on the media consumption habits of gamers.

“Gamers are those who play e-sports games such as Fortnite, PUBG, LoL, Counter-Strike, Dota 2, Hearthstone, FIFA, Overwatch, CoD, Gran Turismo, WoT, Rocket League. In the research, we examined not only them, but the entire Hungarian population aged 18-65, so that the differences in the media consumption habits of gamers and others can be seen.”

– details Dorottya Vass, video game and e-sports researcher at Reacty Digital.

A social media dominates

The rate of use of social media is ahead of TV viewing even among the entire Hungarian population aged 18-65. 87 percent of gamers visit social media platforms daily, while only 46 percent watch TV on a daily basis. The rise of social media is not surprising, as the platforms offer personalized content, provide interactivity and provide the opportunity to live a social experience, which is particularly attractive to the younger generations. Television is still a dominant media channel in Hungary, but it has lost its leading role.

Gamers are also more active in their regular use of streaming sites: four out of ten listen to or watch such a service daily, while for others this ratio is one in ten.

Video platforms are the future

YouTube is one of the most popular social media platforms among those who play e-sports games: 55 percent of them watch or listen to it on a daily basis, the same is true for a quarter of those who avoid e-sports games. In daily use, Facebook is the most common platform in both groups. Twitch is a platform specializing in game streaming, which is especially popular among gamers. A fifth of them follow live streams on a daily basis, and overall half of them use Twitch at least once a month, while others are not at all interested in these specifically focused streams.

TikTok and Instagram are also more popular social media platforms among gamers, the former is used by 46 percent on a daily basis, and the latter by 42 percent. For those who do not play e-sports games, this rate is just over 10 percent.

“Behind all of this – with the exception of the popularity of Twitch – age is the determining factor, young people are more likely to use social media, and they also mainly play e-sports games.”

Dorottya Vass points out.

Streamers are also opinion leaders

YouTube and Twitch are home to a number of prominent streamers and content producers with huge followings. These streamers don’t just broadcast games, nor are they necessarily successful players, but often entertain viewers with their own personality and style, which further increases their popularity. Many of the most popular streamers have already built a following of nearly a million and regularly attract thousands of viewers to their live broadcasts. THE Forbes 2024 influencer list four of the Top 10 places are occupied by gamer influencers, which clearly shows the importance of the gaming community and content producers in the digital world.

This massive reach is extremely attractive to companies that leverage the influence of streamers in their advertising campaigns. It is common for gamer influencers to promote various products and services, such as game consoles or peripherals, and some streamers even launch their own products that are not directly related to the game, such as an energy drink or a T-shirt.

“In the growing number of gamers, young people provide the supply, which encourages various businesses, not only in the gaming sector, to reach young people with this topic, for example K&H Bank and SPAR also launched gamer campaigns for this purpose. “

Dorottya Vass points out.
