Fruit bags will also be charged in Croatia

18.09.2024. / 9:41

ZAGREB – From January 1, 2025, a fee will be charged in Croatia for light plastic bags that are found in rolls mainly in the fruit and vegetable departments of stores or at market stands.

PHOTO: Pixabay

Sanja Radović, head of the Waste Management Sector in the Ministry of Environmental Protection, confirmed this this morning in the show “Good Morning, Croatia” on HRT.

These lightweights must now be labeled with the message ‘Use bags sparingly’ to promote responsible use. And from January 1, a mandatory charge for very light plastic bags, which are often available in rolls in stores, will be introduced. Retailers will have to ensure that the bags are in places where they are used for their intended purpose, such as the fruit and vegetable department, and the price of the bags will have to be clearly displayed in those places. Bags will not be allowed to be sold at cash registersRadovic said.

It is not known how much the bags will cost, the price at which merchants will charge them is not prescribed, and they will decide on the price themselves.

As a reminder, since January 1, 2022, the placing on the market of light plastic carrier bags has been prohibited in Croatia.

